Title: D'Autrefois
Part I: Chapter 3: Knife in the back
koushi Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2622
Disclaimer: I do not own nor am I in any way affiliated with Inception and/or its creators.
Despite how foreign the phantasm was to him, he now understood. Its name was Cobb. )
Comments 3
Your Cobb is delightfully fucked up and wonderfully multifaceted. I love the idea that his marriage with Mal was a complete charade. I loved the whole Mal/Dom thing in the movie, but there were times where they just didn't click for me. Leo and Marion are fantastic on their own, but together... eh, they were a little lacking. So I'm excited that you've capitalized on this and BROUGHT THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD DOWN with it.
It's kind of horrible (in a good way, always in a good way) that Nash still climaxes---at least, that's what I took the rigidity for, lol. It says a lot with little exposition.
And there's this evil place in my heart that delights in a good prison fic, so... *cackles*
I think it's a little strange that you label this fic an introspective on Cobb, when you've pretty much reversed every canon fact we know about him (to the point where I'd almost consider it AU). Taking a devoted and grief-stricken husband/father, and not only turning him into a closested, self-hating homosexual (and rapist??), but asking us to believe he's been that way all along, kind of defeats the entire point of the movie. He's uncognizable to me, and it's preventing me from having any sympathy for him (or any of the other similarly warped characters).
Thank you for sharing your fic with me, but at this point I think I'll duck out. Take care~
As somewhat of an explanation, I guess I picked up and focused excessively on the moral ambiguities within all the characters--especially Cobb's willingness to put others' lives at stake for his own selfish redemption--and ran too far from the canon-correct, Nolan-intended point of view. I apologize for having unintentionally misled you with inadequate warnings: I will make sure to go and emphasize the dark and psychologically twisted elements in the summary.
Once again, I completely and honestly appreciate any and all sorts of feedback. It's the only way we improve! :D
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