natsuxlucy 1sentence challenge

Jul 28, 2010 22:12

I don't know why Lucy gets so much hate. Same with this pairing so...

/spreads the love of it!

And if you haven't seen any of this fandom, you should check it out! Fairy Tail!

I don't know why, but a few (okay, like half) turned out really smutty. I'M SO SORRY. Orz Nothing explicit or lemony, though; it's all lightly implied. So I'm pretty sure it' ( Read more... )

fanfiction, natsu x lucy, drabble, fairy tail

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Comments 23

zangetsugirl July 29 2010, 02:52:00 UTC
These are perfect! I think my favorite is 24 (Strength), but they're all just lovely. And Natsu and Lucy make such an adorable couple--I honestly don't get all the hate, either.


kouriko July 29 2010, 03:25:41 UTC
Thanks! ♥ I'm glad you liked them.

I'm also glad you agree. xD There's just so much negativity for this couple...


fatal_red July 29 2010, 08:15:45 UTC
I love the 1sentence challenge. And I love that your wrote for NaLu (which has to be my favorite FT pairing, ever). My favorite was "Drink" and "Breathe." So beautifully written. YOU. ARE AWESOME.



kouriko July 29 2010, 17:29:13 UTC
:~~; ♥ Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them.

/is loved!


hope_assassin July 29 2010, 11:00:13 UTC
Onesentence challenge BANZAAAAI~ ^3^ That was truly wonderful! The candle sentence really was very lovely. By tthe way, the "world" one isn't finished. xDD;;

I love how you finished it off and how wonderfully it all works out. <333 Memming for awesomeness. x333


kouriko July 29 2010, 17:32:15 UTC
Thank you! Gahhfiddlesticks. Thanks for catching that. xD When I transfer stuff from Word documents to lj something always gets messed up. ajfsdnfj.

I'm glad you enjoyed them! ^^


amelia_seyroon July 31 2010, 23:11:07 UTC
OMG, I think #1 just killed me before I could read the rest.



kouriko July 31 2010, 23:24:32 UTC
♥ Thanks for reading!

And I love your icon! xD


amelia_seyroon July 31 2010, 23:30:28 UTC
I don't get why some people don't ship these two. I know where Lucy/Loki comes from, but why hate on Natsu/Lucy? X| Come on, Natsu was the one who brought Lucy to Fairy Tail in the first place!


kouriko July 31 2010, 23:37:33 UTC
Me either! Lucy/Gray, and other pairings like that seem so boring...

Natsu's always aware of her whereabouts and everything...

So many omakes drop the hints for these two, too! Haha. But no one seems too interested in them.


sweety8587 August 13 2010, 12:02:42 UTC
*blinks in surprise* People dont like Lucy? *thats some serious news for her!* Wait a minute....WHY NOT?! DDD8 cannot compute what is this i dont even *runs into a wall*

oooooh *falls back in a swoon* each and every sentence was just....this. JUST THIS <3 So bitter sweet and warm and loving and gentle and tender in various degrees. Total love. You should post this on ff :D


kouriko August 13 2010, 14:13:53 UTC
Yeah! She gets a lot of hate because people say her character is cliche and everything. It makes me pretty sad, since she's probably my favorite in the whole series. xD Next to Natsu, of course.

Thank you! ♥ I'm glad you liked them! I probably will eventually.


sweety8587 August 13 2010, 14:15:36 UTC
hey hey hey, you cant hate the girl for being the only damn SANE PERSON in the group XD And thats her charm point to boot! AYE AYE :D She's my favorite too for sure, especially from the girls. Then again, I just love from the girls and then Levi :D Gray's my favorite guy (^^;;;)

YAYS I look forward to that :D


kouriko August 13 2010, 14:26:02 UTC
It's true. xD Though I wonder if Fairy Tail's starting to get to her, too. Oh, well. Levi's adorable, too! And Gray never fails to make me laugh, especially with that stripping habit of his. Haha.


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