
Apr 19, 2009 12:57

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist 2, episode 3

......that.... that was weird....

Whatever happened to "this time we'll be faithful to the manga"?!

fullmetal alchemist, anime is my anti-drug

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Comments 5

komichi April 20 2009, 00:50:50 UTC
Oh jeez. I'm downloading it right now so I haven't seen it yet, but I'm not surprised. What the heck was up with that first episode? I kinda feel like they're rushing through and stumbling along the way. I hope that once they get where-ever they're trying to go it settles out well though.


kouriarashi April 20 2009, 03:19:55 UTC
I actually liked the first episode... I thought it was a good sort of "reintroduction to the characters", and would help tie things in for either people who had only seen the first anime (and therefore it's been a while) or were new entirely.

This episode was just weird... it was like they didn't want to make things exactly the same, because that would be boring, so they did a few weird changes. On the whole, I think it'll probably settle in once they're doing stuff that wasn't already done in the first anime. Lin can't arrive fast enough for my taste! =D


komichi April 22 2009, 19:06:30 UTC
The concept of the first episode was just odd, to me. It felt so disjointed.

I actually just finished watching ep 3. I can't help but feel like this new series is very... cartoony. People can say all they want about the first series being too melodramatic, but sometimes a bit of drama is necessary. I really remember watching the first Lior episodes from the first series because what Ed said to Rose had weight. This just felt childish.

The really bright color palette doesn't really help either, but that might just be me.

Like you said, I can't wait for Lin to arrive! I have a feeling the series will pick up after he does.


kouriarashi April 24 2009, 02:02:26 UTC
Interesting; I was totally thinking myself that Ed's speech in this episode didn't have anywhere near the impact that it did in the original. I can't quite put my finger on why - I think it was at least in part because in the original anime he had met Rose a little earlier and knew about her dead boyfriend. So he wasn't just talking about resurrecting people for *nothing*; he knew it would have an impact on her. So. Yeah.

Hopefully it will get better, though - the upcoming storylines are, of course, to die for, so at least they'll have good material. XD


pyrrhical April 22 2009, 06:58:45 UTC
. . . I'm worried now. I just finished DLing 3, and I'm not going to watch it until tomorrow or Thursday, and NOW I AM CONCERNED. OH MY.


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