Title: Ai Ai Gasa/ Love Love Umbrella
Author: Ayu
Pairing: TegoMassu
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: PG for kissu-kissu
Summary: I won't tell you, just read it!!
Disclaimer: TegoMassu is ALL the way over in Japan, if I owned them, I'm still waiting for the package on my doorstep!
Warning: May die from large amounts of fluff.
As Tegoshi walked down the street, he began to think about the events of the day.
"Tegoshi-sama! Tegoshi-sama! Please accept this!" Was all he heard as he walked out of Tokyo Dome, able to walk properly only because of the large number of guards who were holding the fangirls back.
He stopped, so the girls could stretch their small hands out towards him in an effort to get him to take their chocolates. Which he did, knowing that he would only see their faces one day, two on rare cases--case. It's happened once, and he was completely flustered because he did not remember her at all. He just smiled and nodded, and the girl was satisfied.
He made an effort not to let it happen again.
Then, before the actual concert, which wasn't really a concert considering that NEWS only had to sing one song for Valentines Day, Massu and the others were whispering in the corner of the dressing room. He asked them what they were talking about, but they refused to talk.
Ah, so it was about him.
It's Valentine's Day, cut me a little slack, would you? He thought to himself. He caught Massu staring at him.
"What? Is something on my face?" Tegoshi searched for the intruding food, or whatever it was.
"Eh? Ah, no, nothing." Massu said, turning his face away. Massu only turned his face away when he had heard something about someone. While talking to them.
Ah, so it was about him.
Tegoshi sighed and walked out of the dressing room.
As Tegoshi walked along the sidewalk in the late afternoon, the sun had already set. He was walking to the Bus Stop, and he was about a block or two away. It began to rain.
Of course. he thought, a he began to run, trying frantically to get to the stop before he was soaked. This would happen to me on Valentine's Day.
Continuing to run, he saw the Bus Stop sign up ahead. The rain began to get in his eyes, so he only saw a silhouette, but there was definitely someone. With an Umbrella.
He ran under. "I'm sorry, may I stand under this?" He asked.
"If you answer me a question." He heard a familiar voice say.
"Yes?" he asked, still not seeing the person's face.
"Will you accept my feelings?" He opened his eyes, and was warmed by a smile that he had seen every day.
"Of course, Massu." Tegoshi smiled, and kissed the man who stood in front of him, taking the chocolates from his hand.
They completely forgot about the bus and walked home hand in hand under their umbrella, which had brought the two together.
Which the two sappy men had after name their "Love Love Umbrella".
Did you like my late Valentine's fic?
I know I'm late. I was reading Faded Memories by the lovely
ihsararashi .
Which I strongly recommend by the way!!
Please comment!!