[Drabble] Drabbles in Russian History [5]

Apr 05, 2011 08:10

» Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
» Rating: T

In 1871, the United States hosted the 22-year-old Grand Duke Alexei, fourth son of the tsar. Among other nice touristy things - looking at the under-construction Brooklyn Bridge, visiting Chicago six weeks after the Great Fire - Alexei mentioned to President Grant that he'd always wanted to hunt buffalo...
Somewhere in southwestern Nebraska:

While the ducal party reclined after a long, hard day fighting the snow and winds for their game, Alfred, Buffalo Bill Cody and Chief Spotted Tail remained outside in the knife-like winds. The nation slowly froze to his saddle as he watched the close black tide of beasts swirl and coalesce, listening to the bellowing and thinking dreamily of the wagons floored with Persian rugs and champagne waiting for them.

"Come on, Braginsky!" he yelled out hoarsely, for what seemed like the millionth time. "They'll still be there tomorrow!"
The crying wind was all that answered him.

"Braginsky! For God's sake!"

There was a terrified squeal from a tortured animal, and the herd suddenly broke around the spectacle of the giant Russian wrestling a huge bull to ground. "Ahaha! Amerika, I've caught another!" he called excitedly.

"...your friend not normal," said Chief Spotted Tail bemusedly.

"Trust me, I know," Alfred muttered.

The party was led by Sheridan, his protégé General Custer, and the 25-year old army scout William Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill. Chief Spotted Tail provided 'Authentic Indian entertainment".
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