Title: Criminal Minds-Made You Look
kosmickwayRating: TEEN
Pairing: Rossi/Prentiss
A/N: For the alphabet meme prompt, B is for baby. Takes place season 4. For
zamboni12 … it’s probably not the baby story you were thinking of when you gave me the prompt, but it’s what came into my head. Hope you like it anyway.
National Geographic wouldn’t even post something this … this … ugh. )
Comments 9
Glad you liked :)
I am not a fan of the whole filming the birth thing, but if you want to, okay...but please don't share.
I really, really loved the Dave/Emily part. Their exchange in the kitchen is wonderful. I love how sexy, how funny, how tender and easy they are with each other.
Great work!
I like the seriousness in it: exposing almost every detail of peoples life; it´s probably in peoples mentality to crave for sensation, to gloat over someone misfortune etc.
The interaction between Rossi and Emily in the kitchen is too cute and sexy. I love the easiness and closeness they share with each other.
Yeah, you´re right, I actually expected something else but you never cease to amaze me, this is a gorgeous use of the prompt. Thanks!
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