Blarg and Thank You's

Dec 10, 2011 00:41

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of you who sent me those lovely messages for my birthday. I want to hug everyone of you till you're blue. Seriously, my birthday was a bit iffy. The weather was bad out here, had to work (on a Saturday) and yeah but you girls made it soooo much better. Thank you.

pippii thank you so much for the wonderful Xmas card. ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

babydracky December 10 2011, 13:16:31 UTC



kos_mos607 December 15 2011, 04:53:11 UTC
triple hug!



shigeki_jkp December 10 2011, 15:04:31 UTC
I've heard how distractingly awesome skyrim can be yet i've never played it XD. That could be due to my xbox not being w here I am and mynot having money >.> <.< Congrats on the month off and awesome co workers.


kos_mos607 December 15 2011, 04:52:55 UTC
Skyrim owns me. Its sad how much that thing consumes my life. In my deense though, I love the gameplay and the option of making my dude shack up with NPC hotties. If only it was like Dragon Age with soft core porn scenes then I'd never leave the house lol.

No xbox? You poor thing (pat, pat)



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