Memories of excuses, lies and hate...

Sep 15, 2023 22:38

Today, facebook popped up an old post of mine from 8 years ago.   This was the start of my "friends" leaving me left and right.  All I posted was a suggestion that if you want oil pipelines to not be built .. then stop driving your cars.

Instead of offering alternatives to oil dependency, I got a barrage of hate. "Your white privilege is showing" ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

sue866 September 17 2023, 17:43:34 UTC
Yes those who spout "Tolerance!" actually have zero tolerance themselves. The hypocrisy is echoed loudly.


kornopolous February 11 2024, 20:00:22 UTC

Even sadder, these are from people I knew over 20 years and I thought were life long friends.


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