jnelums1988 is the gift that keeps on giving. He's also making absurd comments on Amazon Hollowstone reviews; he specifically wrote to me "you know Icewoman is not a fitting name for you. And I know who you are." OK, dude. This is also the person who sent me an email saying "And Neo said hi" when I told him that I couldn't accept his membership to the
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I don't think I occupy a morally superior position, but I do take all this stuff very personally because I know that Neo is responsible for the suspension of my LJ post and my entire Wordpress. I know he's a liar, because I received the Wordpress DMCA complaint he wrote, where he mentioned that I'm stalking and harassing him and his close loved ones. The rape trolling + stupid threatening comments I dealt with are the result of him mentioning me by name several times to his rather large readership. If I could stop anonymous people from making death threats and lobbying homophobia or racism at him, I would, but all of the people who would do that aren't doing it for my sake anyway.
What you experienced was incredibly unfair, and honestly, it is not the norm in most progressive spaces. It seems you enjoyed writing and blogging, and you should totally try to find something (perhaps not at all connected to LJ users!) that's preferable to Ars Marginal. If you're a gamer at all, The ( ... )
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