
Aug 31, 2009 14:40

I really don't like rain and I am really tired so just icons.

Total Icon Count: 74


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bill compton, james wilson, allison cameron, chris taub, lawrence kutner, true blood, house md, hunks, hugh laurie, eric foreman, babes, jason stackhouse, gregory house, hoyt fortenberry, jennifer morrison, icons, tara thornton, lisa cuddy

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Comments 5

therealdavid September 1 2009, 05:58:46 UTC
sounds like you didnt have a good monday! hows your Tuesday going?? any plans?


korineforever September 1 2009, 11:47:02 UTC
So far I've only had coffee.I do plan on running to the Mall and Gamestop so maybe today will be better.I wanted to sleep a little longer today but on;y slept till 715


therealdavid September 2 2009, 07:46:23 UTC
I was just checking out email before I hit to bed. but I thought I'd just come over and say hey... catch up on my commenting. I've been slacking. hopefully your tuesday was good. you went to Gamestop?? did you get anything good??


PS therealdavid September 2 2009, 08:03:55 UTC
awesome new pictures! I wanted to go to myspace the past few days, BUT for some reason, something doesnt load right... long story short, the person's myspace pops on for 2 seconds then I get a screen that says X didnt load.. anyway I found a way around the glitch and saw your New York photos! they were interesting. beautiful scenery, family pictures! very good photos. OH and a few new Korine photos!! I quite enjoyed those as well. but I am a bit surprised you didnt get many comments on them. whats up with that?? anyway hope your Wednesday morning is a good one.


Re: PS korineforever September 2 2009, 12:29:12 UTC
My aunt sent me a message saying she liked them.It was kind of a sad time when I was in NY that could be why not a lot of comments.I did see the ones on facebook...most of those are from last year when I was in TX.
So far slept in a little drinking coffee,and about to walk the dog.Later I have to go to an open house so Sean can meet his teacher.


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