Yeah more icons

Jun 30, 2009 11:28

So I haven't been doing to much lately.I've been taking Sean out a lot so I kind of have a farmers tan going on.Its actually funny when I compare my arms to my legs because my legs are as white as a ghost.I went to be early yesterday and I actually got more rest then I have in awhile.I am still pretty much dead though.I am about to take my dog for ( Read more... )

bill compton, sam merlotte, sookie stackhouse, james wilson, allison cameron, true blood, house md, hunks, hugh laurie, babes, maryann forrester, alexander skarsgard, gregory house, jennifer morrison, icons, eric northman

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Comments 8

therealdavid June 30 2009, 20:48:27 UTC
I heard on a podcast I listen to that True Blood season was about to start or had already started?? something like that. anyway, I totally think tanlines are cute... your contrast would be interseting to see.


korineforever June 30 2009, 23:55:11 UTC
it started a couple weeks ago the 3rd ep of season 2 was sunday.I don't usually tan I burn.It was sunburn but faded and I have been better about sunscreen lately after the mole scare I had.Don't think I mentioned that.


therealdavid July 1 2009, 00:03:43 UTC
no. you didn't mention the mole scare. that sounds like an interseting story, hopefully it ended well. where was the mole??

also, the deed is done. it's over. you're the first to know! I'm loading it now and if it doesn't work on my computer, I'm not going to be a happy camper!haha


korineforever July 1 2009, 01:26:39 UTC
not really that interesting it was on my big deal...not really worth a hopefully you checked to make sure your computer was up to date.Paul bought a lot of stuff to up date ours new vid card more storage and something else.


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