Good morning

Jan 03, 2007 01:36

Narrative: Open
Characters: Kabuto and whomever
General Setting: Namekuji Hallways, January 3rd, 01:00 (AM).
Summary: Kabuto is moving into his dorm.
Warnings: None thus far.

Maybe Kabuto should have waited until later in the morning... )

ch: umino iruka, ch: gekkou hayate, ch: yakushi kabuto

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Comments 21

koff_koff January 3 2007, 07:11:37 UTC
Hayate had been awake and reading in bed when he heard the ruckus in the hallway. A few minutes of listening to the strange noises passed before he deemed himself the person to investigate. After slipping on a simple shirt and lounge pants, he strapped on his sword and stepped out of the room.

He didn't have to look far. "Good morning, Yakushi-san," Hayate approached and spoke quietly. Not much was remembered about Kabuto, only that he was a year younger, and Hayate hoped his assistance would be accepted if only to give the floor residents peace.

"May I help you get settled in?"


meerdelphin January 3 2007, 07:27:40 UTC
Iruka emmerged suddenly from his room, rubbing at his scar in a gesture that betrayed mild irritation. He'd finally managed to get to sleep only an hour or so before, and with classes starting up the next day, anything that threatened his precious rest could become a target for his rarely seen temper.

After a few moments of letting his eyes adjust to the light in the hallway, Iruka came to recognize the two figures before him as Hayate and Kabuto. His irritation cooling somewhat, he approached the two and questioned them quietly.

"What's going on out here?"


nehan_shoja January 3 2007, 07:31:08 UTC
Kabuto wasn't too surprised when someone decided to investigate the noise. He stood up straight and turned around to face Hayate. "Gekkou-san, is it?" Kabuto wasn't too familiar with Hayate, but at least he knew his fellow student by name. "I'll accept your help. There's just this crate and a chest."

He glanced toward Iruka to answer. "I'm moving my things into the dorm. I apologize about the noise."


koff_koff January 3 2007, 07:51:54 UTC
He nodded in response. Glancing in Iruka's direction in acknowledgement, Hayate bent next to the crate and gave it a few small pushes to test the weight. The box was questionably heavy but he was never one to pry. Everyone's baggage was their own private matter.

"If you'd go open the door I'm sure Umino-san and I could bring it in," he shifted his attention back to Iruka.


meerdelphin January 3 2007, 07:59:19 UTC
"It's alright Yakushi-san. Apologies if I came off harsh at all. Classes start tomorrow, after all..." Iruka trailed off, scratching self-consciously at the messy mop of hair on his head.

Hearing Hayate's comment, Iruka surveyed the luggage. It certainly wasn't what he'd planned on doing at one in the morning, but the sooner the Kabuto's belongings were moved in, the sooner Iruka could go back to sleep.

"I think we can manage it," Iruka replied, tossing Hayate a small smile. Adjusting his pajama pants a bit, Iruka leaned down next to the crate, preparing for the lift.


nehan_shoja January 3 2007, 08:00:06 UTC
"Right." Kabuto removed a key from his pocket and unlocked the dorm room. He opened the door and looked into the room to see if his room mate was awake, or even in the room to begin with.


koff_koff January 3 2007, 08:08:27 UTC
Hayate found a good grip for his hands and, whenever Iruka was ready, gave a slight nod to signal a go-ahead and lifted. Waiting a moment for his arms to adjust, he was prepared to take on more of the weight if Iruka struggled.

"Okay?" He asked.


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