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Когда наши кормчие начали пробивать Северный поток в Германию, она тогда задумывалась вот о таком.
4. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells on their way to commercialisation
Hydrogen and the laws of physics In an ideal system, 3.9 kWh of electricity and 1 liter of pure water are required to produce 0.111 kg of hydrogen. But typical commercial electrolyzer system efficiencies vary between 56 and 73 percent which corresponds to 70.1-53.4 kWh/kg or roughly 5.6 kWh for extracting 0.111 kg of hydrogen from 1 liter of water.
Hydrogen's hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, introduced his idea of a hierarchy of needs in his paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” which was published in 1943 and in his subsequent book “Motivation and Personality”. The hierarchy of needs suggests that people satisfy basic needs first before moving on to other needs...
Hydrogen is already on the market worldwide, but .... The world hydrogen production is not monitored, but estimated at 45 million tons (500 million cubic metres) per year, generating sales worth USD 28 billion p.a. Around 96 percent of it is derived from fossil fuels. It is mainly produced by steam methane reformers (SME), partial oxidation of heavy fractions of hydrocarbons, large (hydro) electrolyzers, coal and biomass gasification...
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells on their way to commercialisation Today’s path to produce hydrogen, and their distribution, storage and utilization is following the line of more or less conventional and known technologies. Starting from primary energies like coal, fossil fuels, natural gas or wind energy, hydrogen is produced by means of electrolysers or reformers...
Annual number of large stationary fuel cells above 10kWe and MW installed Large stationary fuel cells can be defined as units above 10kWe operating in grid tied or off grid operations, as CHP, CCP or in use as electricity generators...
Annual new portable fuel cell units 2005 - 2009
Annual new small stationary H2/FC units for CHP and UPS (under 10kW) Since year it has been stated that fuel cells have the potential to become the dominant technology for portable electronics. But reality is less exciting: “2008 saw around 9,000 units shipped in the portable fuel cell sector, a slight increase on 2007 but a lower rate of increase compared with 2006...
Annual new fuel cell buses produced from 1994 through 2008 The production of new fuel cell buses in the past five years is significantly lower than the units manufactured in 2003, when Daimler delivered its 33-bus fleet to the European CUTE and ECTOS and Australian STEP programmes.
Distribution of hydrogen fueling stations by region Fuel Cell Today projects that there will be over 150 hydrogen fueling stations in operation worldwide by the end of 2009. Most of them are in North America, followed by Europe, Japan and Asia. Only a miniscule quantity of hydrogen fueling stations is shared between the rest of the world...
Consumption of Hydrogen by End Use - 2006 The graph published by SRI Consulting shows the consumption of hydrogen by region and end use in the year 2006. In North America, Central South America and Europe, most of the hydrogen is used at refineries to make reformulated gasoline. ...
How can we create the sustainable hydrogen society? In order to create a sustainable hydrogen society, hydrogen has to become a common commodity, must be produced free of pollution and losses, has to be traded global, based on supply and demand and must be used for electrification, transportation and convenience. ...
Worldwide breakthrough for Hydrogen + Fuel Cells While the invention of the fuel cell dates back to 1838-39, its concrete application first appeared in the 1960's in the US and Russian space programs. Following the first oil crisis in the 1970's, research activities in stationary, mobile and portable applications reached their peak around the year 2000...
Quotes regarding the commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cells
(1998-2002) "The introduction of fuel cells in mobile and stationary applications could possibly revolutionize the world's energy picture." ... 4.1. A proposal to future energy supplies Your Personal Power Provider (3P+)
Your Personal Power Provider (3P+) Today’s production of hydrogen, its distribution, storage and utilization are dependent upon conventional technologies, which are not commercial feasible at this time. All known technologies produce “black hydrogen” based on fossil fuels, rather than “green hydrogen” via direct solar energy ...
Use of a Personal Power Provider (3P+) In order to create a sustainable hydrogen society, hydrogen has to become a common commodity: It must be produced directly in one conversation step from all “real renewable” primary energy sources...
Global applications of Personal Power Providers (3P+) Scientists, designers, engineers, craftsmen and people in education, administration, media and governmental positions, including politicians, - but also the final consumers - must be able to identify and overcome the obstacles in the bad efficiency of our existing electricity system... 5. Four steps to a new Energy Supply
Four steps to a new reliable, cleaner and decentralized Energy Supply based on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Cars could be (or more pronounced: Cars have to be…) the key and the lead for a new energy supply based on H2/FC. All components to implement this idea are ready and available. All it takes is four steps... 5.1 Revolution in the garage
Revolution in the Garage Looking at today’s so-called “western” countries, if all worldwide registered cars (more than 800 Mio in 2007) would be equipped with a fuel cell system, they could (all together) easily take over the function of all today’s existing stationary power plants... 5.2 The cars are the keys
Hydrogen cars to conquer the market? Hydrogen and fuel-cell cars are being tremendously promoted for a long time now. All the major automakers are working on them (Daimler f-cell, Honda FCX Clarity, GM Chevy Equinox, just to name a few) but none expect take-off until 2020 with production numbers in the low thousands at first...
Share of the total U.S. Auto Sales Market 1998 - 2008 As shown by the data of the The Wall Street Journal, Toyota is on its way to overtake GM in its home market and to become the No. 1 car seller in the US...
World Passenger Car Production by Country 2006 - 2007 in Millions According to the International Organisation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), the global passenger car production in 2007 rose to almost 53 million units from 49.9 million the previous year, which corresponds to an increase of 6.3 percent...
These examples show how solar powered transportation could conquer the world: The solartaxi was invented by Louis Palmer from Switzerland. It is an electric vehicle with a five-meter long trailer covered by 6 square meters of high-energy 850 W solar cells. These solar cells produce enough electricity to run the taxi for up to 100 km a day...
Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Advanced Technology Vehicles (Examples) This graphic summarizes facts of Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Advanced Technology Vehicles based on their availability in 2008 in the car show rooms in the US...
State of the World Car Market 2006 According to F1 Racing, USA's car sales occupy the commanding position in the world's car market 2006. Car sales stood by 16,6 million untis per year with an average price of roughly 28.300 US$ per car. ...
Can 35 cars power one skyscraper? This building shows a skyscraper in Singapore. On the photo next to the building are 35 cars, standing idle, a very typical situation world wide...
Average power of new registered cars in Germany 1981-2006 The figures shown (from 58 kW in 1981 to 93 kW in 2006) are highlighting the increase in average engine-power of new registered cars in Germany over the years...
World passenger car production incl. P.R. China The graphic of the global motor vehicle production from 1900 to 2008 shows that in the beginning, car production was shared between North America and Europe only. After 1950, other players appeared on the market like Japan and South Korea. China started their domestic car production in 1985.
Worldwide Car Production 2000 and 2007 in million units An analysis by the Sueddeutsche Zeitung and the International Organisation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) shows, that the biggest increase in the worldwide car production is in Asia, especially in China.
US Car Production 2001-2010 The major players currently operating in the US passenger car industry - such as General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, and Honda - are facing opportunities and challenges in this dynamic industry...
Price to fill up a Honda Civic According to the Foreign Policy magazine, the price to filling up a Honda Civic varies hugely around the world - depending on subsidies and taxes...
Who is saving most CO2 emissions? Each year every car puts several tons of CO2 in the air. Therefore cuts in transport emissions and new technologies to reduce emissions are needed...
Petrol Consumption per day According to the Foreign Policy magazine, the USA consumes nearly 1.4 billion liters petrol per day and is therefore the country with the most consumption... 6. Energizing the world 6.1 Energy Efficiency
Daily Energy Losses When you consider a “normal” electrical coal power plant, the counting of the efficiency only starts from the moment when the coal is at the venue of the plant...
Daily Energy Losses by AC DC Adaptors We all know them; they seem so inconspicuous. There a many of them in every household of the "Western" world. Mostly, except for the imprint "Made in China", they carry nothing more than little green or red LED lamps which shine when network-connection is available....
Energy effiency - one example With every air-condition unit we install in a room or at a building, we not only cool our surroundings with a low efficiency but also heat our atmosphere with still unknown results.
German high voltage network At the power plants the energy is generated at a relatively low voltage of up to max. 40 kV, then stepped up by the power station transformers to a voltage of 220 kV to 380 kV (extreme voltage), because transmitting electricity at high voltage reduces the fraction of energy lost... 6.2 Global Energy Consumption
Worldwide Energy Consumption by Region, 1970 - 2030 According to the American Energy Information Administration (EIA) and to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the worldwide energy consumption will continue to increase by approx. 50 quadrillion btu every year...
World Energy Use by Energy Type, 1970 - 2025 The consumption of worldwide energy use from all energy types is expected by the EIA (Energy Information Administration) - other sources come to similar figures...
Electricity Deprivation Based on the World Energy Outlook 2009, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that in 2008 the number of people without access to electricity was 1.5 billion or 22 percent of the world’s population...
Residential Sector Electricity Consumption per Capita by Country Group, 2002 and 2025 According to the International Energy Outlook 2005, released by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the worldwide consumption of electricity is expected to increase gradually...
Water Shortage 1.2 billion people all over the world still live without clean drinking water and 2.6 billion people without sanitary facilities.
Energy crisis, what energy crisis? The first graphic shows the development of crude oil in $ US a barrel from 1970 to 2003. The price of crude oil in 2003 is at its highest since 18 years, but 50 $ US a barrel it still is a bargain as the demand rises steadily at a worldwide scale...
Crude Oil Prices 1947 - 2008 Crude oil prices behave much as any other article of trade with wide price changes in times of shortage or oversupply. From 1947 to 1973 the crude oil prices were quite stable, fluctuating between $US 14 and $US 18 a barrel...
Today‘s Energy Situation On the one hand, more than 800 million cars are registered on the road today and more than 1.15 billion cellular phones have been sold in 2007 worldwide. Both rates are still increasing and are just examples for a world which always wants to get bigger, faster, higher and more communicative.