[ ficathon ] welcome home

Jul 01, 2012 02:48

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Comments 1638

toiltrouble July 1 2012, 17:27:23 UTC
narcissa black and andromeda black, postwar, the moon rise up and turn to silver... the last living rose, quiver


chimneysmoke July 1 2012, 17:53:31 UTC
this is a gorgeous prompt


depravations July 1 2012, 17:31:09 UTC
gryffindor quidditch team, the kids are alright


xsilverkeyx July 2 2012, 08:25:53 UTC


ext_1054020 July 3 2012, 17:16:41 UTC
The Big Game, Gryffindor Quidditch Team + Lee & McGonagall, G

"Okay," Oliver stammered. "Okay."

"Men," Fred assisted.

"And women," said George.

"And Patricia."

"Er...is there...something we should know about Patricia? And she said she's not coming."

"Just cause she's new to the team and all," Fred shrugged, "doesn't know the usual spe--"

"She's not coming?" Oliver blurted.

"She...she said she doesn't really like flying all that much," Angelina shrugged. She had been the one trying to recruit her roommate onto the team eighteen hours prior, with patient explanations that come on, they were just third years, but this was her chance for the whole house to cheer her on. Alicia's contribution to this endeavor had consisted of distracting Oliver so he didn't try to apply his more impassioned logic where it would not have suited.

"And no one thought to recruit anyone else?"

"We're sort of out of time now," Alicia pointed out.

"Okay," Oliver sighed, urgency slightly overtaking nerves. "This...this is..."

"This is not that big of a ( ... )


ext_1054020 July 3 2012, 17:17:00 UTC
"...of course still no sign of Harry Potter, latest theory is that he was shot by angry centaurs after--"

"Jordan, we do not malign our fellow magical creatures! Stick to the game at hand!"

"Right. Okay. A short effort from Johnson, intercepted by Irvine, still Irvine, a bludger from Weasley, and...another goal. Oliver Wood looking exhausted there as he goes after the Quaffle, the score now 440 to 70. Johnson a bit frustrated too, c'mon now Angelina, show us your pretty face--"

"Jordan, if you cannot provide relevant commentary ( ... )


kolms July 1 2012, 17:32:38 UTC
andromeda/ted, you are more than the whole world i once knew


depravations July 1 2012, 17:35:24 UTC
crying about it.


gamma_x_orionis July 3 2012, 00:10:20 UTC
The World I Once Knew, Andromeda/Ted, Rated G, no warnings

Andromeda was wild from the escape - high on the rush that had come with climbing from her window and running out, off the grounds of the manor and into Ted’s arms. The wait for this had been so incredibly long, and now that she was finally far away from the home that she had known for her whole life, she could only shake from excitement.

“Come home with me, Andromeda,” Ted whispered in her ear, even as she hung onto him tightly, her body heaving with every deep, ragged breath.

“Kiss me first,” she panted, her hands scrambling at his hair and face, until she managed to get a grip upon him and press her mouth against his. She felt herself the heroine of a romance novel - having at last escaped from her home to run away with her handsome hero.

Ted broke away for a moment, his eyes shining. “You don’t think that you made the wrong decision, then, Andromeda?” he breathed. “You are willing to run away with me ( ... )


thelxvely July 5 2012, 09:51:26 UTC
he takes me back home, andromeda/ted, pgMore than a blood traitor and more than married to a Muggleborn, what she really never expected to be was poor. Certainly she'd assumed that she'd marry well, that her parents would arrange a fiancé for her with both pure blood and a good reputation, but she'd at least known that other sorts of men existed. She'd been warned about them since she was a child, after all - the blood traitors who betrayed and shamed their families and ancestors; the half-bloods who were below them, of course, but not an entirely bad sort if they knew their place and who to associate with (and dissociate from); and the Muggles, those awful and filthy common people with no knowledge that magic even existed, unless they were lucky enough to have managed to steal some for themselves. She'd never presumed to marry one or even associate with any, but at least she'd known of their existence. It wasn't until Andromeda had begun Hogwarts that she'd even realized that not all families, not even all purebloods, had the wealth ( ... )


depravations July 1 2012, 17:38:35 UTC
marauders, they were kids that i once knew


johnmayergirl23 July 1 2012, 20:05:37 UTC
not exactly what you might have been looking for, but it's where my mind went! hopefully you'll enjoy, regardless

that i once knew - marauders by way of mary cattermole (part 1 ( ... )


johnmayergirl23 July 1 2012, 20:06:02 UTC
that i once knew - (part 2 ( ... )


juuulie July 1 2012, 21:41:31 UTC
That was really, really beautiful. /sobs in corner


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skyedrifter July 3 2012, 05:28:33 UTC
That's so hot! You're my new best friend, call me every five minutes. :)


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luna_plath July 3 2012, 14:54:53 UTC
YOU WROTE HARRY/DRACO. Like, kill me dead, please.

I love how things between them almost feel like fighting. And the last line is just perfect for the tone of the fic. Excellent little story :D


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