Title: Gold and Blue Pairings: UKUS Rating: M Warnings: Eventual sex Summary: The King of Spades has no power in politics, until he meets the catalyst that sparks his desire to be great. This chapter: A fundraiser.
I liked the new chapter very much. It's nice to see that Alfred makes progress and gets closer to Arthur. I'm curious about Yao though and can't wait to see how everything will evolve from now on.^^
Thank you so much for reading! However, there was an issue with lj and a portion of the chapter was erased. I recommend you reread the opening. Sorry for that.
Oh too bad that LJ did that but now I read it. Poor Arthur, that surely isn't a nice start of the day, but luckily it turned out better than he thought.^^
Comments 5
Keep up good work! ^^
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