Title: Gold and Blue Pairings: UKUS Rating: M Warnings: Eventual sex Summary: The King of Spades has no power in politics, until he meets the catalyst that sparks his desire to be great. This chapter: Another confrontation.
This story is getting better and better, I can't wait to read the next chapter.^^ Too bad that you will stop writing fanfiction, that's a huge loss for the LJ community I think, but I wish you good luck and lots of success with your novels.^^
I will still be here in the community as I will never stop loving this couple, but I just need to get my life in order. Almost 25 and I want to get my dream actually out there. Thanks for the well wishes. :3
I like how this is unfolding! It's always interesting to me when I see characters that initially don't gel together and then they begin to make friends. My heart broke a little at Alfred's blunt behaviour to Arthur at the Opening of Parliament( these characters always do this to me! ^^;) but the ending is hilarious! Can't wait for the next chapter!
I can't wait for the next part. In part, because I can't wait for Alfred to grow up. His childish behavior makes me want to kick him in the shins (if he existed in real life, that is). He doesn't quite understand how his decisions affects other people, does he?
Comments 7
Too bad that you will stop writing fanfiction, that's a huge loss for the LJ community I think, but I wish you good luck and lots of success with your novels.^^
I will still be here in the community as I will never stop loving this couple, but I just need to get my life in order. Almost 25 and I want to get my dream actually out there. Thanks for the well wishes. :3
Thank you for reading!
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