Title: A Quaint Rainy Day
Rated: G
Genre: Romance
Words: 1,014
Summary: America and England go on a picnic, only to have it ruined by rain.
Written for Day 23 for the
usxuk Summer Camp event. July 23rd: Rain. Whether it's a shower or a storm, a freezing rain or a warm sunshower, your fanwork must feature rain in some way shape or form. They can be outside in it, thinking about it, inside but soaking wet from it, etc.
America had planned for this picnic for weeks. He trekked down the most perfect spot for it, made sure all the food was in order, and surprised England with his plan. England and America had only recently begun dating after America's little letter endeavor that ended in them starting a secret relationship. Unfortunately, that meant America had to keep up on his romantic surprises if he was to keep England's interest. So America found himself in a predicament of coming up with enough said romantic surprises.
A picnic seemed harmless enough. England was more than excited, practically unable to stay in his seat as America drove the two of them to spot he had picked out. It was in the hills of upstate New York. They had spent many springs and summers there when younger, but they always held a rather bittersweet memory in both of their mouths at such a thought. It was time to change that, and create something new.
America and England set up the picnic, choosing a lovely spot underneath a tree. There were wildflowers in a nearby meadow, lush greenery all around them to fill England with the calm he always longed for. America was pleased to see England relax and enjoy himself.
What had started out as a slightly cloudy day, had rapidly become dark and stormy. The wind picked up, blowing the picnic up in their faces. America checked his iPhone for the weather. It had drastically changed to say that a sudden summer storm was brewing in their neck of the woods.
"I'm sorry," America said hastily. He clamored with England to grab as much of the food as he could, just as it began raining.
The two yelped out profanities, tossing the picnic into the back of America's car before jumping in as well. Despite the fact they were only out in the rain for a few moments, it was enough to soak them through. America seemed generally upset, but England was actually laughing.
He wiped at the bangs dripping in his face. "Oh this is pleasant."
America deflated, thinking it was sarcasm. "I'm really sorry… This wasn't supposed to be like this."
"My boy, you have no control over the weather any more than I do." England waved out towards the rain that lashed at the windows. "Let's just enjoy our time together, shall we? We still have the food and each other."
America grinned, his passion reigniting within him. He moved to the backseat and laid the seats flat. Then he clamored into the back, and retrieved the messy picnic. England scooted into the back as well, arranging as much of the food as he could. It was a little soggy, but still edible. America pulled out the bottle of wine he had gotten from France as a birthday gift a few years back. Of course, England didn't have to know it was such a thing. Instead, England nodded at the year and compliment America's taste.
After it was popped open, America poured them both a glass, checking the taste with his own glass first. Then, they clinked glasses and drank. America pulled out the plates with horrendous gusto. England laughed again, calling him a dork. He was actually very impressed by the selection laid out before him. There were many cheeses from around the world, thin slices of ham, pork, and turkey, fresh bread rolls, and enough condiments for the couple to have various choices in their meal.
"Much better than letters, right?" America asked, handing over a paper plate to England.
England shook his head, a smile widening across his face. "I am impressed. You have certainly outdone yourself."
"When's the last time you had such an amazing picnic?" America was certainly growing a large head.
England sat back, looking up as he thought. "I believe that would be… 1324… Or was it 1345?"
America playfully slapped at England's arm, feigning hurt. England merely chuckled. He leaned over to kiss his cheek again. The last time England had done so, America had been to slow to give him a kiss in return. And they certainly hadn't touched lips yet. Today seemed like the perfect chance, though.
Foregoing any hesitation, America turned his head when England pulled away from his face after the kiss. England made a light noise of surprise, his body tensing. America had his eyes closed tight, like a school boy giving his crush their first kiss. But it was their first kiss. And he might not be a school boy, but the young, blossoming affections were still there.
England's face was flushed by the time America pulled back. He wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad sign. He chalked it up to being a victory when England closed his eyes and gave a kiss back. America was unsure where to put his hands, but he felt the need to touch England's face then; assure himself that this wasn't a dream. That England was really kissing him. Confirm that his face really was as soft as it looked. Maybe caress him a little, fingers brushing along the edge of his hairline. And England cupped America's chin, steadying him to stay as close as he could.
It wasn't too long, no matter what the other thought. They sat back a little, clearing their throats. What do they do after their first kiss? Sip wine of course. Continue with the picnic. But, England stole America's hand. America looked at him. Their eyes connected.
"Yes, I agree. This is much better than a letter."
Hoshiko2's cents: Super sorry at how late this is. I was working awfully hard all day, then spent some much needed time with my mom. I also went out and bought 4 new books, so I was a little sidetracked. Haha. I hope you enjoyed this one. Yes, this is in the same timeline as the letter writing. In fact, all the chapters this week are sort of connected in the same timeline, as were a few in past chapters. I'll list them later for your convenience. Thank you.