(snarfed from
List 5 reasons why you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud about how big of a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the meme.
(Rit: I feel like dork has negative connotations. I prefer the term "geek" thankyouverymuch!!)
Here are mine: )
Comments 10
If you need or want any help, I do Jedi/Sith costuming for people :-) I've actually made 13 Jedi robes from my own customized pattern (fully lined) in everything from polyester (HOT), raw silk (which I'm allergic too ;-)), to wool (suiting weight is my wool of choice). I've also done several "Sith" style outfits for myself and my boyfriend. I like to use ren styled stuff but made with funky materials for them. I need to get pics up from MediaWestCon. :-) I did both my two usual Sith, but my new one who had some very elaborate make-up. :-)
Do you have a site or pictures of costumes you've made?
Interesting things that you picked out. =)
Did you ever see the "I can eat glass project" before it went down (although if you search long enough, you can occasionally find a mirror still up). It was how to say the phrase "I can eat glass and it doesn't hurt me" in all sorts of langauges-- including things like C++ and Klingon.
I think I recall something like "I can eat glass", though I don't remember the exact phrase except it was just as silly :)
*do I even have to take this! think everyone knows all the reasons I'm a geek!*
For some reason, I almost feel like a Power Ranger :)
Do you have your ranger costume finished? I've still been procrastinating on mine... Very lazy this year...
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