Title: The Transiency of Love
Author: Koinaka
Rating: R
Pairing(s)/Character(s):Kurt, Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel, mentions of other characters as needed.
Genre: Supernatural!Crossover, AU
Spoilers: set post season 3, so everything aired, set between season 3 and 4 for Supernatural, so pretty much everything there too.
Disclaimer: Characters
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Comments 10
Your Sam is sooo spot on, I really miss this Sammy: hurting, closed-off but so inherently good. Makes me want to hug him... or, well, give him a Kurt to be happy with! *cackles*
I was just really taken with something, would you really say Dean bears a strong resemblance to Sam? It's just, everybody I know says that they don't look alike... I *do* think that there's some resemblance there, more in the way they move and other stuff than in physical appearance, but I also think my opinion is way too biased by my love of the Winchesters, so, yeah, I'd like to get your opinion on the matter...
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