Title: Yankee Academy
Author: Koi Choshi
Rating: PG15?? (is there such a thing?)
Pairing: LoL, this is so out of context but I ship TomaPi (still?) and yeah... guess what!
Genre: action
Disclaimer: Majisuka Gakuen is made by Aki-P. Arashi belongs to JE
Summary: More of Sakurai Sho's past would be revealed as he faces one of the weirdest fights he
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Comments 4
But Sho omygosh he's staying so strong with the death of his sis & everything hes so precious ;~~~~;
Leader scolding Kaze/Nino i loves it! But i love the TomaPi going on too XD
& IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAP!!!!!! AIBACHAN AS GEKIKARA?!!!!! OH GOSH YAY GEKI-AIBA CHAP!!! XDDDD i cant wait for all the "okotte iru?"s of Aiba!
YEAH! i think aiba-chan's perfect for the role... *giggles*
He had a bad past :(
Aiba finally came, I wonder what will happen
Wait for next
please wait too.! m(_ _)m
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