Title: The Wind of Madness
Genre: Action, High School Yankees AU
Pairing: shameless NinoAi as usual
Summary: This is the story of the special bond shared by the vice president of Arashi, Kaze, and the First King, Aiba-chan.
A/N: Basically, this is a prequel of my fic written 4 years ago (so old)! I remember one of the commentors talking about how NinoAi was very obvious in the story and how possible it is to have a sequel (that was impossible, I'm sorry). In my mind, all the Kings have their background story and so far, the most elaborate that I've made in my sick mind was of Kaze, Leader, and Aiba. The story will be a POV format so I hope it will still deliver. Sho won't probably appear in this one because he is a transferee in the original story (and I need to give this guy a break, honestly!). This story can stand alone but it will be better if you read
"Yankee Academy" as well.
Chapter 1:
Leader motioned me to come towards the edge of the rooftop. He was leaning on the railings and looking below. “Come here, Kaze,” he said.
I stood up from the tattered couch where I was sitting on and pocketed my DS. I went beside the president and looked down. “What is it?”
“I want to get him,” he simply said, pointing at the man with longer-than-usual hair, hitting a whole group of small fries.
I looked at our leader. He might look sleepy all of the time but I knew very well that there’s a monster hiding behind that exterior. Besides, he looked cool, plainly cool, wearing his uniform the most normal way possible. It gave an aura of normalcy and a hidden danger behind a serene mask.
“What do you see in him?” I asked Leader. I looked at the man who was done beating up the whole group. Apart from the fact that all the guys were down on the ground, my eyes narrowed at the fact that all of their faces were smeared by something like red paint. No, that was definitely blood.
I looked at Leader with wide eyes. I saw him nod. I knew the principles of fighting that Arashi agreed on and this man would definitely not fit in. “I want you to tell me things about him. Then I will go get him.”
“His name is Aiba Masaki,” a voice interrupted. We both looked behind and saw Pi standing behind us, holding a chain necklace with an unmistakable red stain. “Do you want me to tell you about him?”
I smirked. “No need,” I said. “I’m going to find out myself.” I started to walk out.
“Be careful, Kaze-san,” the Nightmare Whisperer said. “He has problems up here,” he pointed at his temple.
I walked the streets aimlessly. Leader was probably bored that he tasked me with gathering information about that Aiba. I really did not know why he actually needed me; he got Jun, Pi, and Toma easily without my help. They just entered the topmost room, with a few bruises and cuts here and there, behind Leader’s happy grin.
I knew this one was different. This yankee was different from the others.
He might not even be a yankee at all.