Title: Five First Meetings They Never Had
koheePairing: Takizawa Hideaki x Imai Tsubasa
Summary: We all know that Takki and Tsubasa met on the first day of their stint as Juniors. But alternatively, how would they have met otherwise?
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: G to PG-13
Author's note: For
TxT ficathon. I am sorry if I screwed this up,
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Comments 8
“Teach me how to dance.”
I can imagine this, I'm imagining this XDDDD
He instantly knew
I love it ♥___♥
Everyone is so quick with their fics, I need to get going~~
I liked all of them, but the last one just WINS ^^
1. yay for hero!takki
2. feeling that he could almost fly, like he possessed the wings he was named after hahaha^^;;;
3. indirect kiss! cause yea, those are never accidents :0
4. i love how takki fails in dancing in any universe
5. d'aww~ it's fate!
FEEL FREE TO WRITE A FLUFFY ONE TOO, we'll need it after the angst ;~;
Anyways, these were awesome, every and each one of them *o*
"Takizawa opened his mouth, and found his voice.
“Teach me how to dance.”"
Almost laughed out loud, just almost. Good thing I managed not to tho, as I'm in a class room where other people are studying >>; XD;
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