It's All or Nothing [One Shot]

Jul 23, 2012 01:50

Title: It's All or Nothing 
Author: kodochalover
Pairing: AriYama♥
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The boys in JUMP are getting tired of the constant arguments between Daiki and Yamada. So they all come up with a plan to get the two to speak their true feelings.

A/N: More AriYama xD This one was requested by hstarfirej *A* She's one of my most eccentric commenters xD her comments always put a huge smile on my face. I'm sorry I took so long to write this for you T^T hope you like it though!
I shall work hard to write more AriYama for all the fans like us who barely see any of it!

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” exclaimed an angered Yamada.

“I’m using your hair straightner. What else does it look like im doing??” Daiki rolled his eyes and continued to run the utensil through his hair.

“I thought I clearly specified that I’D be using it after lunch? Put it down and go borrow someone else’s!”

“NO. I’m not putting it down till I’m done.”

Shocked, the younger boy yanked the hair straightner straight out of Daiki’s hands, but ended up burning himself in the process.

“Ouch!” said the boy in pain.

“Ha! That’s what you get for being so damn stubborn Yamada!” Daiki pulled his tongue out as he walked away.

“HEY! Get back here and say that to my face you midget!”

“HUH?!”  An outraged expression appeared on Daiki’s face as he rapidly spun in place and faced the latter.

“Midget??! Look at yourself before you lay an insult upon my height!”

At a further corner within the same room, the remaining JUMP members sat in distress, trying to come up with a way to shut the two up.

“They’re going at it again.” Complained Inoo.

“They were never like this! Do something about it Yabu!” proclaimed Chinen.

“I don’t even know what to do myself…” said Yabu as he massaged his forehead.

“Look. It’s obvious the two probably like each other and don’t know how to get it through.” Explained Yuto. “Daiki is a really jealous person too if you haven’t noticed. That’s also one of the main argument starters.”

“What do you mean?” asked Keito.

“Watch. I’m gonna go up to Yama-chan right now, get close to him and flirt. Observe Daiki as I do it.” Smirked the tallest member.

The boys laughed as they huddled together to watch the tall boy in action.

Yuto stood up from his seat and ran towards Yamada, who was in the middle of lifting a chair to throw at the older boy.

“Yama-chan!” exclaimed Yuto. He neared his body to Yamada’s and ran his long fingers across Yamada’s pale neck.

“Why don’t you and I go and practice our “fan service” for ‘Super Delicate’ outside?~”

“Oh shit! He actually did it” laughed Hikaru.

“Look at Daiki! Doesn’t he look even more furious than before??” pointed out Chinen.

“He’s turning red!” said Takaki as he tried to contain his laughter.

“YUTO! Get out of this!” Daiki stepped towards the two and pulled Yuto aside.

“Stop being so damn clingy!!”

“Boooo~ I was just having fun Dai-chan~” explained Yuto.

“AAAGHHH!” the older boy had given up. He stomped away from the two and out of the room.

Yuto turned towards the rest of the boys and laughed.

“See? What did I tell you?”

“What the hell are you talking about Yuto?” asked Yamada.

“Oh, nothing~” smiled the taller boy.

“Let’s go out to eat you guys!” proposed Yabu. “We need to go find Daiki and get him to come with us too.”

The group decided to eat at a western restaurant. Once everyone was settled and seated, a waiter came to their table and brought a menu pamphlet for each of them.

“What can I get for you?” he asked

“OH!” Daiki exclaimed before the rest. “I want a double cheeseburger, strawberry milkshake and large fries please!”

“Certainly sir.”

Yamada scoffed.

“Sure you can eat that all by yourself little boy?”

“Shut up Yamada.” Daiki ignored the comment and returned his menu pamphlet to the waiter.

Everyone else sighed. A new argument was about to begin.

“I’m just worried Dai-chan. You could end up with a tummy ache at the end of the day.” He smirked. “How about you get something from the kid’s meal? Your height matches it anyway.”

At that point, Daiki felt like flipping their table over with a raging roar.

“Look who’s talking! You and I are the same damn height! Why don’t YOU get something from the f-ing kid’s menu?!”

Startled, the waiter bowed and announced that he’d return as soon as the rest knew what they wanted.

“You guys, calm down. We came out to eat peacefully, not to argue.” Yabu tried to calm the two down but it was of no use.

“Screw this.” Said Yamada. “I’m going home. I’ll see you guy’s at dance practice tomorrow.”

“If he’s leaving, then I’m leaving! Who does he think he is trying to leave all coolly like that!”

Both Yamada and Daiki stormed off and were out of sight.

The table was quite for a few seconds until Hikaru’s laugh broke the tension.

“Sooooooo, I propose that we eat all we want today and leave the check under Yamada and Daiki’s name? Anyone?...Anyone?”

Yabu lightly smacked Hikaru’s shoulder.

“Okayyyyyyyy, Hikaru.  We need to do something about this.” Stated the oldest member. “I’m tired of the arguing. If they argue one more time, I’m going to have to knock them both down unconscious.”

“Woah….let’s not go that far!” replied Hikaru. “How about we tie them against a tree, in a forest and leave them alone?” he smiled jokingly.

“That’s it!” shouted Inoo.

“So we should definitely tie them against a tree?” asked Hikaru.

Everyone looked dumbfounded. They leaned in closer to hear what Inoo had to say.

“No stupid. We should lock them in together somewhere!” he leaned in and smacked Hikaru’s forehead.

The entire group broke out in a fit of sneaky smiles.

“Let’s do it!” Everyone agreed on the plan and decided to launch it the next day at their dance practice.

Their dance hall was always empty before any dance lesson and they could easily influence their instructor to take the practice elsewhere. It was the perfect place where they could easily lock the two in for a few hours.

< 0>

The next day, Yamada was the first to arrive at the dance hall.

“No one is here yet. That’s rare.”

The short boy yawned as he began to do his warm up stretches. 20 minutes passed and no one had arrived yet. He could see the clock through their large mirrors. It was definitely past starting time.

“Everyone must be late today.”

He placed his bag in a comfortable spot on the floor and plopped his head over it.

“I’ll just close my eyes for a bit…”

Without realizing it, the young boy had fallen in a trance of deep sleep. The silence of the vast room lulled him and kept him at rest.

10 minutes after falling asleep, Daiki rushed into the dance hall.

“I’m sorry I’m late! My rain was running slow toda…eh?”

His eyes rapidly scanned the room.

“Why is it only him here?”

He checked outside the dance hall for any late members.

“I’ll just do my warm up beside him…”

He gently shut the door behind him and slowly stepped towards the sleeping boy. He set his bag a few inches away from  Yamada’s and kneeled in front of his body.

“You’re the cutest when you’re sleeping…you don’t get to yell at me like this”

Suddenly, curiosity invaded his head.

“can I touch him?...”

As Daiki dealt with the current situation, he failed to notice the turning lock on the room’s door.

Outside, the conspiring boys were celebrating the success of the first step; locking the two up.

“We did it!!” Yabu whispered.

“I didn’t think things would work out so easily.”

“We’re awesome after all” added Takaki.

“Alright,” said Yabu. “I need Chinen, Ryutaro, Yuto and Keito to stand guard by this door. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make any unnecessary sounds that could give you away.  Hikaru, Takaki, Inoo and I will go and speak with the dance instructor to make sure that our practice location gets changed”

“We understand!” The three boys spoke in unison.

“Alrighty then! Let’s go guys”

Back inside the dance hall, Daiki gave in to temptation. His thin fingers travelled across the younger boy’s body. His fingers caressed his jawline, down to his rising chest. He gently ran his hand through Yamada’s hair as his eyes gazed through the boy’s sleeping complexion. With one finger, he caressed the thin line that made his lips.


Oh crap! Did he wake up?

The older boy took his hands back and placed them behind him.

Even though he spoke, Yamada remained asleep.

“He’s still asleep…he does sleep talk after all”

Wait…I can use this to my advantage! I’ll try to have a conversation with him like this

Daiki took a deep breath and got closer to Yamada.



It worked!

“Do…do you like Yuto?...more than a friend?”

Daiki clutched on to his chest as he waited for an answer.

“No…Yuto is a good friend”


Daiki covered his mouth with his hands.

Crap! SHUT UP YOU FOOL. I’m going to end up waking him like this

“S-So…what do you think of Daiki?”

“Ah…Dai-chan…he’s super short”

This jerk…

“But, it makes him super cute…I wish he didn’t hate me so much”

Daiki bit his lip. He couldn’t avoid the feelings of happiness and love that were starting to rise up within him, but he also couldn’t avoid the small amount of sadness that infiltrated his mind.

“I don’t hate you Yama-chan…”

The older boy leaned down and whispered into Yamada’s ears.

“I love you…”

Although Yamada was not awake, his body shivered at the sound of those three words.

Daiki gently placed his hands beside the boy’s head and tenderly landed a kiss on Yamada’s pink lips.

“Oh no…I can’t seem to stop myself”

Among the group…Dai-chan and I argue against one another the most. It’s almost like we despise one another.

But honestly…I don’t hate him at all. I can’t help it that we argue…stupid things always get in the way and I end up lying to myself and saying mean things to him.

I’m sure everyone in the group is tired of us…and for some reason it feels like Dai-chan really does hate me.

When will I get enough courage to tell him my true feelings?

After going this far with the stupid arguments…wont the rest of the members find it funny or make fun of me?

Dai-chan…I really do love you…




Ahahaha…see? Even in my dreams I can hear him… Only when I fall asleep can I truly reveal my love for you.

"Yama-chan…I love you"

Hehe…I love you too Dai-chan.

How strange though…even though I know I’m dreaming right now, I can clearly smell Dai-chan’s scent and I can feel his presence. Almost like he’s right here in my dream .

I guess now it’s time to return to reality right?

Why do I feel so heavy?

Yamada struggled to clear his vision as he woke up from his nap.

I can’t even move my lips…there’s something pressing on them

Finally, his vision cleared up enough to make out the source of his discomfort.


Yamada quickly pushed the older boy away and sat up.

“W-what were you doing to me??”

“I’m sorry…I couldn’t help myself.”

“What??? Why are you the only one here??? How long have you been here?? How long have you been taking advantage of me, you perv!”

“I’m not a perv you jerk! It’s not my fault you like to sleep anywhere. And I don’t know where everyone else is.”

“Did you set this up??? To get back at me for all the things I’ve done to you??”

“Of course not!! Look, can you calm down?!”

I’m trying, Dai-chan…but it seems like all that can come out of my stupid mouth are insults

“I’m sorry Dai-chan”

“You haven’t called me that in a long time.”

Yamada’s cheeks took in a shade of red. He didn’t expect Daiki to notice the name change.

“Actually, you were calling me that while you slept.”


“Yup.” Daiki laughed. “Over and over again.”

My dream…did I say it all out loud while I slept?! Wait…if he heard what I said, then…

“You responded to those calls didn’t you???”

Poor Daiki started feeling a rush of nervousness fill his entire system.

“O-of course not! Like hell I would. I just thought of how stupid you looked” he lied.

“But in my dream you…” disappointed, Yamada slumped back down on the floor against his bag.

“What Yamada?”

“You called me ‘Yama-chan’…and you said that you…you loved me.”

Daiki was in a tight spot at this point. First he was caught kissing him in his sleep and secondly, he heard when he had confessed.

“I…” Daiki was lost for words.

“It’s not possible right?” the sad boy stood up from the floor and picked his bag up, getting ready to leave. “After all, all we do is fight. Rather than love, you hate me. Don’t you?”

“I don’t hate you.”

Hearing Daiki’s true feelings for once forced Yamada to lose his grip on his things and himself.

“What a relief…”

The younger boy fell to his knees. Unexpected tears rolled down his round cheeks.

“I always thought you hated me…”


Daiki rushed towards Yamada, quickly embracing him.

“I’ve never hated you…not one bit.”

Yamada’s sobs were drowned out by the pressure that Daiki’s chest was creating against his own.

“What you heard in your dream…was actually reality. You were asleep, so I felt like it was ok to voice out my actual feelings.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before, you fool.”

Daiki chuckled.

“Same goes to you, baka. Even now you wanna argue?”


“I knew it. So now…please stop crying, please?”

“It’s tough”

Daiki sighed. He only knew of one way to stop his tears.

With more force than those previous gentle kisses, Daiki kissed him again. Except this time, he included a small element of surprise.

He gently intertwined his own tongue with Yamada’s. It was already difficult enough for Yamada to breathe through his tears so the added kiss only left him desperate for air.

“I can’t breathe!” he exclaimed as he pushed Daiki away.

“Well now at least instead of crying, you can feel mad right?” he laughed.


The next day at dance practice…

“Oh Dai-chan!! I love you soooo much! Indeed it was you in my dreams right??”

“Yes, Yama-chan! Indeed it was a real confession! I watched you dearly as you slept!”

Yabu and Takaki laughed uncontrollably as they watched Hikaru and Yuto re enact what they had heard yesterday.

“So it was you huh?!!” yelled Daiki

“You’re all so damn nosy! Shut up already you jerks!” added Yamada.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Yabu walked up to the two and wrapped his arms around their shoulders.

“Chill guys. It’s all thanks to these ‘jerks’ that the two of you are finally together! So be a bit more grateful” he smiled.

“Wha-whatever!” Yamada stormed off to another corner of the dance room.

Daiki unhooked Yabu’s arms from his shoulders and  faced him.

“Thanks Yabu.”

“Ohh no no no. Don’t thank me, thanks us all by taking us all out to eat for a PEACEFUL dinner tonight!”

“Fine” Daiki laughed.

The now embarrassed Yamada watched the two from his area.

Thanks to everyone, this is no longer something limited to my dreams…


Owari :3

Hope you guys enjoyed!

one shot, fan fiction, yamada ryosuke, arioka daiki, p:daiki/yamada, r: pg-13

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