I love you, Ms. #2! [OneShot!]

Feb 20, 2012 00:07

Title: I love you, Ms. # 2! [OneShot]

Author: kodochalover

Pairing: Yamada RyosukexOC

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Raika had stuck with being #2 exam after exam until one day, when one exam gave her the hope of possibly taking over Yamada Ryosuke, the current holder of spot#1.

A/N:  AHHHH XoX I hate myself for being so late with these fics x.x But college is soooo damn lame L I’ve been working on my requests, but never finish them because of homework. So FINALLY, here’s one! I hope you like it, dyanryo!♥
(This is based of the really cute manga, "Special A" or S.A :3)

It was late at night and a small, cozy town stood in the midst of a dark silence. Every home’s lights were off, signaling that its inhabitants were now resting after a long day at school or work.

That is, every house but one; where a room on the 2nd floor remained illuminated.

A young high school girl was jotting notes down in a furious pace as she mumbled to herself repeatedly,

“Must defeat Yamada! Must defeat Yamada!”

She raced, page through page, quickly absorbing the information that her textbook provided. She reached the last page of a chapter and dropped her pencil.

“I’m so sleepy…maybe I can take a little nap…WAIT! NO!! I have to study! I have to beat him… I have …to beat…”

The exhausted child fell over her notes and gave in to the luring sleep.

Morning quickly followed and alarm clocks everywhere went off. Everyone’s but Saito Raika’s that is. Her mother downstairs realized that her daughter was not eating breakfast as usual yet and decided to check up on her. She entered the girl’s room and noticed that the bed was empty. Confused, she gazed through the room and noticed that her daughter was sleeping over her desk.

“Goodness, Raika! Wake up! You know what time it is??”

The half awake girl grabbed her clock and stared at it for a few seconds.

“Oh crap! I’m late!”

Raika shot up out of her seat and quickly threw her pajamas off as she reached for her uniform.

“Aaaah!! I can’t be late! I’m never late!”

Raika quickly patted her hair down, picked up her bentou off the table and dashed pass her mom.

“I’m off!!”

Her mother waved at her as Raika ran down her street.

“I was too focused on studying and beating Yamada down that I completely forgot to set my alarm last night”

Raika was about to cross the street when suddenly a black car pulled up in front of her. The rear window scrolled down and a familiar voice was heard.

“Running late, Ms. #2?”

Raika glared.


“Maybe that’s why you’re #2. You need to be more prepared don’t you think?”

“Don’t call me that!! As you can see, I don’t have time to deal with your crap on this beautiful morning!”

Raika walked past the car to avoid it but it continued to follow her.

Raika tried to keep her cool as she increased her pace.

“Just get in the car! I’ll give you a ride. We go to the same school anyways” the boy shouted.

“No way!” retorted Raika. “I rather run.”

“You’re stupid if you think you’ll make it in time by foot. You’ve got 10 minutes left and there is side walk construction ahead”

Raika looked down at her watch.


“Just get on!”

In the midst of her desperation, Raika decided to accept.

“Ugh! Fine! But I’ll owe you for this and I won’t take no for an answer!”

“That’s fine Ms. #2” smirked the boy.

This is why Yamada Ryosuke is the worst she thought.

She quickly jumped into the car’s back seat and sat beside the mentioned boy.

Throwing my academic position at my face every single time he sees my damn face. Then he tries to act like a nice guy! Who does he think he is??

3 minutes later, the two arrived at their school. Raika’s eyes were met by those of the nearby students the moment she opened the car’s door. She could hear their whispers.

“Eh??! Why is she with Yama-chan??”

“You think they’re dating??”

“No way! They’re the school’s top rivals remember? Besides, she’s got no femininity.”

Raika felt that stab in her back. She was pretty much being called a boy. So what if she didn’t spend hours looking at women magazines and shoujo manga studying the ways of love and beauty? Rather than spending them that way, Raika preferred to fill up her brain with school and useful lessons in order to defeat Yamada all because he ranked #1 in the entire school. Raika only ranked #2, or as others preferred to joke about it, “forever a 2”.

Raika always challenged Yamada during tests and attempted to take over his position, sadly, Yamada was way above her. Thus sparking a ferocious, one sided rivalry.

Raika closed the car door behind her and whispered a simple ‘Thanks’ to her opponent.

“Raika, wait!”

“What is it??”

“How about we let today’s test results make an interesting bet for us?”


“If I get 1st place again, as always, you’ll owe me for the ride, but if I lose and you get 1st place, you won’t have to owe me”


Raika thought for a moment. She imagined herself at the top of the school pyramid, cruelly laughing at her opponent as she finally got to look down on him instead of vice versa. But was this guy being serious? Or was he joking?

“I guess I can take you on! But if I win, I also want you to stop calling me #2!”

“Deal.” Yamada pulled his hand out of his pocket and reached out for Raika’s hand.

“Let’s shake on it. It’ll be official”

Raika smiled. “You got yourself a deal then!”

“See you later then, Ms. #2” he smirked.

“Ha ha ha ha” she smiled awkwardly.

Raika turned away and took notice of her 3 best friends at a far distance. She ran towards them and shouted her usual greeting.

“MORNING!!” she cheerfully shouted.

The three girls turned around and happily replied with the same.

“Morning Raika!”

“Guess what I have for you all today~~ I finished the study guides for next week’s test!”

Raika pulled out 3 colorful leaflets and handed them to her friends.

“Uwaaah!! You actually did it!” exclaimed one of the girls.

“This will definitely help us pass that test!”

“Thank you so much Raika!!”

The 3 girls jumped with joy and embraced their savior.

Yamada, who stood behind them, smiled in silence.

Lunch time quickly approached and the four girls gathered their desks and placed them together for lunch.

“So Raika! What was up with you and Yamada this morning??”

“Yeah! We saw you two get out of the same car.”

Raika choked on her rice.

“Umm, let’s not get the wrong idea please.” She reached for her bottle of juice and took a gulp.

“Then what?” smiled one of her friends.

“I was running to school when he stopped me and offered a ride.”

“That’s all??”

Raika placed her hand over her heart and swore.

“That was entirely it. Although he did suggest a small bet afterwards.” She added.

“Ehhhhhhh, spill! Spill!”

Raika laughed, “he said if I got #1 on last week’s test, he’d stop teasing me about being #2”

“Whaatt??! Really?”

“Yup! He promised and everything.” Raika continued to eat her boxed lunch.

“But Raika, you’ll lose all contact with him. That constant teasing was the only conversation you two had! Don’t you like him?”

“You guys are crazy! When did I say I liked him??”

Raika’s shortest friend took a sip out of a milk carton as she looked over at Raika.

“It’s obvious!” she proclaimed. “Besides, he might like you too.”

“Impossible!” exclaimed Raika. “I do admit that he’s handsome, but he’s way out of my reach”

Suddenly, the bell signaling lunch’s final 5 minutes rang.

“You never know Raika”

Raika felt confused.

There’s no way anything would happen between us right?

“Alright class! It’s time for me to announce our top 3 scorers for last week’s test”

Quickly, the whole class began to whisper among themselves.

“It’s definitely Yama-chan again!”

“He’s so freakin’ awesome!”

Meanwhile, Raika kept her hands clasped together as she whispered to herself: “Please be me! Please set me freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

Yamada, who sat a few seats behind her, gently looked over her fellow competitor. One of Raika’s friends whom sat beside her wished her luck as the teacher unfolded the piece of paper that seemed to hold her entire future.

“Spot #1 goes to…”

Please! Please! Please!

“as usual, congratulations to Yamada Ryosuke!”

no waaaayyyyy!

Raika slumped over her seat as she sulked over her defeat.

“Congratulations Yamada-kun” whispered her classmates.

Yamada nodded in accord; however his attention remained on the defeated girl. That’s how Raika remained throughout the rest of class.

Once school ended, everyone gathered their things and left. Raika, the last one to leave, (or so she thought) dragged herself out of her seat, but felt a warm hand over her shoulder, pulling her back.

“Yamada…are you going to poke fun at me now? Go ahead.”

“No” Yamada smiled. “I’m here to claim my prize”

“What are you talking ab-“

The taller boy leaned in and planted a kiss over Raika’s lips.

Startled, Raika pushed him away.

“What was that??” the confused girl struggled to make sense of what had just happened.

“I want to add more to this victory” he whispered.

Yamada set Raika’s bag on her chair and wrapped his arms around her.

“Go out with me, Ms. #2”

“You’re crazy.”

Raika tried to escape his grip but failed.

“You’re just playing with me aren’t you, Yamada?”

“I’m not” he replied. He pushed her against a nearby wall and neared his lips to her left ear. Raika could feel the wall’s cold temperature and the warmth of Yamada’s breath combine around her body.

“I really do like you Raika” he whispered. He caressed her neck with his soft lips.

“You’re the only one who’s ever tried to actually know me”

“Were always fighting aren’t we? Of course I have to know who my enemy clearly is.”

Yamada’s warmth was getting to her. Her will to resist broke little by little.

“Everyone usually admires me and never attempt to connect with me…but you. Even if it was out of pure rivalry, you didn’t fear me and decided to know me more. You’re different from everyone else.”


Yamada rested his forehead on Raika’s shoulder.

“Besides…I think you’re really pretty.”

“You two.”

Startled, Yamada and Raika jumped away from each other as their teacher walked in.

“Stop messing around and go home before I decide to get mad.”

“Yes, Sensei!!” the two said in unison.

Both gathered their belongings and stepped out of the room. Raika tried to walk ahead, but Yamada was one step ahead. He grabbed a hold of her hand and dragged her out of the school building.

“I’ll give you a ride home.”

“NO, I can walk”

Yamada ignored her rejection and dragged her over to his driver, who was waiting for them outside of the school entrance.

Defeated by his strength, Raika threw her stuff in and sat.

Yamada followed and closed the door behind them. He quickly regained control of her hand once more and planted a kiss on it.

“Go out with me. Please say yes, don’t say no”

“How do I know that you’re not just messing with me?”

Yamada took a deep sigh. He looked over at the small window that allowed the driver to communicate with him.

“I need privacy to prove it to you.”

He pressed a button and secured the window shut.

“If I was messing around, do you think I’d do this?”

The boy pressed his body against Raika’s and pressed his warm lips once again against her own.

“I don’t just kiss people I have no feelings for.”

Raika found herself heating up every second that passed.

“Open your mouth” he whispered.


Yamada’s hand pressed gently above her breasts, making her gasp. Yamada took that opportunity and pushed his tongue inside with hers.

“Mmmm” a small moan escaped Raika’s mouth.

She had no idea about what action she should take next. The young girl knew this wasn’t right and that it was too fast, but it didn’t feel wrong.

Her body responded positively, almost begging for Yamada to go on forever. She didn’t know what to do with her hands so all she could do was clutch on to the car seat tightly.

Yamada noticed this and decided to connect his hands with hers. He pinned them above her head as his kisses moved down to the crook of her neck.

Raika’s breathing increased rapidly. She looked up to the black, velvety ceiling as she gasped for air, feeling her body drown inside the tingly sensation.

The boy used his left hand to crawl under her shirt. She could feel as his hand gently squeezed her breasts. He released her hands in order to unbutton her white uniformed shirt.

“Can I look?” he whispered.

“Only my boyfriend can look at my body” she replied.

“Then tell me. Will you be my girlfriend? Can you let me be the only one who gets to enjoy the mere sight of you?”

Raika looked into Yamada’s eyes.

He really isn’t kidding is he?

She reached out and caressed his cheeks.

“Alright. I’ll be your girlfriend. BUT, you have to stop calling me #2! Got it?!”

Yamada smiled, “Got it.”

Raika gulped as she felt his fingers mess with the buttons on her shirt.

The two were too heated up to notice that the car had come to a complete stop.


Surprised, Raika quickly pushed Yamada off of her.

“Owwww!” he complained.

“The driver is calling you!”

He groaned as he looked out the window and answered back.


“We’ve arrived at Saito-san’s home.”

“Eh?” he quickly scrolled the window down and realized that it was true.

Raika laughed as she fixed her clothes and hair. She was about to open the door and leave but Yamada decided to pull her back in.

“What are you doing?? I have to-“

He kissed her and whispered goodbye into her ear.

“See you at school tomorrow, Raika” he smiled

Raika blushed and responded awkwardly.


She stepped out and waved as her “rival” drove off. Who would have known that two rivals could fall for each other so quickly? Raika pressed her hands tightly against her rapidly beating heart.

“I think I’m in heaven.”


Owari :3
Hope I haven't lost my ability to write! XD

one shot, fan fiction, yamada ryosuke, smut, p:yamada/oc, r:nc-17

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