Exploring the Girl Underneath the Men's Clothing [OneShot]

Oct 30, 2011 09:31

Title: Exploring the Girl Underneath the Men’s Clothing
Author: kodochalover
Pairing: Morimoto RyutaroxOC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Due to specific circumstances, Atsuka has to work as a man within a company. Will her boss whom she’s been crushing on find out? Or will she get away with it? ;)

A/N: Hey there! :D I will come back with another fic shortly^^ Sorry for the delay! I have been dealing with college recently and boy is it a bitch lol I’m doing my best to get back to my beloved fics though *A* It feels good to post on here again! Btw, this is my first OC writing and more specifically, the first time I write about a girl in these circumstances xD I felt a bit strange, but I think Im somewhat getting the hang of it lol Tell me what you think :D! and hope you like it, ryutarodragon OVER!

This job is going to drive me crazy. Look at this. What the hell. How am I supposed to finish filing and re-typing this huge pile of documents in less than 3 hours?

Atsuka glanced at the watch that was strapped on her right wrist.

Ok girl, you can do this. Just get yourself a hot cup of coffee and you’ll be ready to go

Atsuko left her seat and headed towards a small kitchen.

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~” Atsuka released a large sigh as she relaxed her back against a refrigerator.

“That was a very girl sigh Atsuka-san”

As soon as Atsuka registered the overly familiar voice, she quickly fixed her posture and arranged her tie.

“Sir, I apologize.”

“Haha…” the man chuckled. “Don’t apologize. It’s cute. Just don’t let the rest of the guys hear you or else they’ll start questioning your sexual preferences.”

“Uhmm, Yes Sir!” Atsuka quickly grabbed her cup of coffee and quickly walked past her boss.

“Hey Atsuka-kun! I forgot to mention one more thing.”

Atsuka froze on the spot. She hid her cheeks with one hand as she turned to face him.

“Y-yes sir?”

“Do you mind working overtime with me tonight? There’s a lot more filing to do and I’m afraid I can only trust you with it.”
“I-I can do it!”
Her boss smiled. “I knew you were the guy I could count on”

Atsuka quickly bowed and sped walked to her work area.

Omg, omg, omg, I swear it’s going to be so much more difficult for me to pretend to be a guy  if Morimoto Ryutaro is here…he’s so dreamy!!

Atsuka placed her hands over her chest as she pictured his face once again in her mind.

I hate to admit this…but, I think I’m developing a crush

Once again, Atsuka sighed as she leaned against her chair.

I’m going to be filing all night so might as well get these over with

Time went by quickly as Atsuka finished her set of filing. Everyone but her and her boss had shut their computers down for the day and headed home. As Atsuko neatly arranged her finished work on the corner of a desk, her phone started to ring. The loud rings startled the young girl as they evidently resonated throughout her empty office. She quickly recovered and picked the phone up.

“H-hello? Atsuka speaking.”

“Atsuka-kun, come to my office. Let’s do all of the filing here.”

“Yes! Right away sir!”

Aaaaahh! I’m going to be alone with him! I’m so nervous! I honestly don’t know how to act around him

The young girl rubbed her eyes and lightly smacked her cheeks in preparation.

“Yosh!” she whispered.

“I can do this!” she grabbed her belongings and rushed over to Ryutaro’s office.
She lightly knocked on the glass door as she took a deep breath.

“Come in!”

Atsuka stepped inside the room and quietly closed the door behind her.

“W-where should I start sir?”

Her boss chuckled.

“Look, when it’s just you and I alone together, you can call me Ryutaro. How does that sound? Give it a try.”

Ryutaro observed Atsuka’s reaction attentively as he waited to hear his name.

“Ah…Ryu…Ryu… Atsuka blushed as she struggled to say her boss’s name.


He smiled. “See? much better. And it helps to light up the tension more doesn’t it?”

“Yes sir! Umm I mean, Ryutaro”

“Now, grab that pile of paperwork and you can begin working”


Atsuka grabbed her new pile of work and was about to take a seat when Ryutaro suddenly interrupted.

“On second thought, how about we work at my place? After spending several hours here, the office is really starting to asphyxiate me.”

“Eh?? Can I really work there with you??”

Ryutaro stood up and collected the paperwork in a separate box.

“It’s perfectly okay. Grab your stuff and let’s go”

“Alright.” She nodded.

“Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~” Amazed by how fancy Ryutaro’s apartment looked, Atsuka twirled around happily as she admired each and every detail that complimented the apartment.

“Why is this all soooo pretty??”

“Ahem.” Ryutaro cleared his throat.

Crap. What am I doing? I’m acting all girl and I’m supposed to here for work!

“I’m really really sorry!! I didn’t mean pretty…umm I meant cool!-Your apartment is very cool!”

“No problem. Just make sure to not do that at the office Atsuka-chan”

“Yes-wait…’Atsuka-chan’? Are you teasing me Ryutaro?”

“Not at all” he smiled as he set the box of paperwork down by the entry way.

“Have a seat.”

She nodded as she took her shoes off and headed towards a black leather couch in the center of the living room. She looked at a clock that ticked loudly in comparison to the quiet place.

Oh my…It’s already midnight

She looked around and noticed that Ryutaro had disappeared.


She noticed that light was coming out of a room down the corridor.


The light from earlier was coming out of a room.


The latter quickly came out.

“Hey! I’m sorry about that. I just wanted to switch out of my suit. Did you want to change too?”

“Oh!! No no no no no! Not at all! I’m fine like this! Really!”

Ryutaro chuckled as he walked towards the flustered “boy” and pushed him from behind towards the lighted room.

“Let’s go to my room. I can let you borrow clothes to change out of what you’re wearing. I know how much of a pain in the ass these suits are.”

“They really are” she agreed

“Yup, so come let’s go!”

Ryutaro pushed Atsuka into his room and headed towards his closet.

Meanwhile, Atsuka looked around.

Wowwwwwwwwww! His bed is huge! I so want to have a bed like that!

Without realizing, Atsuka walked to Ryutaro’s bed and began to poke at it.

“It’s so soft.”

“It really is.”

Realizing what she had done, Atsuka quickly jumped back.

“I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry. Here, try this shirt on.”

“Alright.” She stared to undo her tie when she noticed that Ryutaro was still in the room, sitting across from her. His eyes were following her finger’s movements.

“Ummm…will you be watching me change?” she blushed as the question slipped her lips.

“I didn’t know you were that shy Atsuka-chan” he chuckled

“Why do you call me Atsuka-chan, Ryutaro?”

Ryutaro stood up and pushed Atsuka to sit down on the bed with him.

“You really want to know?” he asked

Ryutaro’s eyes were firmly set on Atsuka’s. She could feel as more warmth quickly creeped up towards her cheeks.


“Well…It’s simple. Calling you Atsuka-kun is wrong”

He reached towards her tie and finished undoing it for her.  Atsuka’s eyes widened the moment Ryutaro’s warm body neared her own. His fingers gently moved the bit of her that blocked her eyes.

“I know you’re pretending to be a man.”

“EH?!” Flustered, Atsuka quickly moved away from Ryutaro, to a different part of the bed. She covered her mouth in disbelief.

“How…how did you know??”

“It’s obvious you know. Well, to me at least. No one else in the office seems to have noticed but me.”

“That STILL doesn’t answer my question!!” Atsuka picked up her tie and was about to get off the bed when she suddenly felt Ryutaro hold her back.

“You can’t leave yet.”

“Y-yes I can!” she struggled to escape his grip but failed miserably.

Ryutaro took both her arms, pinned her against the bed and straddled her.

“I knew there was something about you the first day you walked into my office and introduced yourself.”
Atsuka felt her heart race rapidly against her chest. She bit her lips as Ryutaro’s body neared her own.

“I do a background check on all of my employees. We reserve to hire only the best men out there. So when I found out that you weren’t a man but rather a woman I couldn’t help but dig in a little bit deeper into my research. I found out that due to financial difficulties, you had no choice but to come here right?”

He’s got me. That’s the truth. It’s not my fault no one else was hiring

“Of course, either way, I could immediately tell from your body shape, personality and actions that you were a woman. And a very gorgeous one if I may include.”

Atsuka’s cheeks were flushed red at the sound of his compliments.

“I’m not gorgeous…so please let me go…you’re wasting your time on me.”

“Now that I finally have you under my touch; do you honestly think I’d be willing to let you go?” he smiled

His left hand traced down on her cheek as he leaned down beside her ear.

“You like me don’t you?”

“Wha-what??? You’re out of your mind”

Atsuka looked away in an attempt to avoid Ryutaro’s sight.

If I don’t look at him, he won’t see the truth.

Ryutaro grabbed her chin and planted a kiss on her trembling lips. He pulled away and began to undress her.

“Wait a minute…stop…you don’t know what you’re doing. Don’t!!” Atsuka wiggled under his touch.

Why am I trying to desperately escape him?? My mind says run but my body says stay…

“I’ll stop if you admit it.”

“No way….”

“Say it. Admit that you like me.” Said Ryutaro as his hand slowly began to slip within her shirt.


He snuck his hand beneath her bra and gently caressed her left breast.

“Aaahhh!” Atsuka couldn’t help but release a helpless moan. “I LIKE YOU!”

“See? And I like you too.” Ryutaro leaned in again and stopped before Atsuka’s lips.

“Open your mouth” he spoke gently.

“Eh? Why??...”

“Just do as I say. You’ll like it. I promise.”

Atsuka nodded in response and slowly parted her lips.

Ryutaro’s mouth met hers as he slipped his tongue inside and felt around her warmth.

“Move your tongue around” he mumbled

“But-but I’ve honestly never done this before…I can’t…I can’t do this”

Ryutaro kissed her forehead.

“So innocent. I honestly didn’t think you’d be this inexperienced Atsuka-chan”

“Don’t you dare tease me…”

Suddenly Ryutaro pulled his arms back and removed his t-shirt.
“I can’t hold this in any longer.

Ryutaro leaned down and pressed a kiss against Atsuka’s neck. She bit her lip in response. Her mouth open wide as a gasp escaped her throat the moment Ryutaro’s warm tongue trailed a wet path down the warm surface.

“I’ve been c ontrolling myself for so long…I just can’t anymore.”


I give in too…

Atsuka’s arms instinctively reached for the latter’s neck and pulled him up for a kiss.

“Aww” complained her boss, “Just a peck?”

“I…I’ve never done this before…”

“Don’t worry,” the latter unbuttoned her shirt and removed the girl’s bra quickly to reveal her naked breast. He took her shirt up to his nose and inhaled her perfumed scent.

“I’ll control this, so just follow me”

“Un” she nodded.

Ryutaro’s hands slowly caressed their way to her breasts. He fondled them quickly as he simultaneously flicked the nipple on each, making the young woman’s body curve in response to each movement.


The latter led his warm wet trail down to her navel. He gently blew on it as his eyes constantly kept watch over the girl’s reaction.

“Ah!” she shivered. “That’s cold.”

“I know~”

Ryutaro positioned his body above her legs. His hands gently grazed her pelvis as he worked towards removing her pants. Knowingly, Atsuka raised her legs and in a few seconds, her shriveled pants were scrounged up on the floor.

Ryutaro took a few seconds to observe Atsuka’s naked body.

“So sexy. Sexier than I thought…”

“Impossible.” She whispered.

“Not at all” Ryutaro took Atsuka’s right breast into this mouth. His tongue did what his own fingers had previously done except now he was able to suck. His fingers snuck underneath her underwear and perpetrated her most private part.

“Ah! N-not there…” she moaned

“Relax Atsuko chan, I’ll make you feel really nice. Just trust me”


The latter pushed in one of his long fingers inside.

“Ah!!” Atsuka’s body cringed in pleasure.

“Do you feel it? This is how I know you’re extremely wet~” he laughed

Atsuka blushed. “D-don’t laugh!”

“Haha…okay I wont” he said as he inserted a second finger inside her wet cavern.


Ryutaro smirked as he sat, observing the woman who quivered with pleasure beneath him.
When she had gotten used to his finger’s current speed, Atsuka found herself asking for more.


He happily complied. His body pressed tight against hers as his fingers curved in and out quickly. The faster he went, the wetter she got.

The latter pulled his fingers out as soon as he noticed that Atsuka was reaching her climax.

“Mmmm” she whimpered.

Ryutaro licked his moistened fingers a a smile crept up on his face.

“Delicious~” he eyed her blushed complexion. “See? I told you that you’d enjoy this. Now for the finale”

“Eh?” Atsuka managed to sit up

“Feel it” Ryutaro grabbed her hand and placed it against his covered hardened member.

“H-how did this halppend???”

“You’re pleading moans turned me on. But if you want more detail, then I can say that my buddy here has been craving your warmth for a while”

Ryutaro pulled his shorts along with his boxers off. His hardened member sprung up.

“Will it hurt??”

“Only if you want it to hurt” he joked.

“Of course not!”

“Then it wont.”

Ryutaro pulled a condom out of his drawer.

“Want to touch it before I slip this on and go in?”

Atsuka hesitated before gaining the courage to touch it.
She got on all fours as she slowly reached for it and made contact with a poke.

“You’re so cute” he chuckled as he slipped the condom on.

“You know what, stay in that position”

“Huh? On all fours?”

“Yes. I have a good view of your sexy body in this position”

“H-hai” she blushed

Atsuka turned and faced the bed’s headboard. She took a firm hold of the railing. Ryutaro’s hand gripper butt as he slowly slipped his lubricated member in.



Ryutaro pushed in all the way and remained like that for a few seconds so she could get used to the feeling.

“You’re so tight. You’re clearly a virgin”

The pressure that pleased and surround his member forced Ryutaro’s movements to increase. His pelvis moved in and out quickly. He leaned on Atsuka’s back as deep moans escaped his mouth. ON the other hands, Atsuka felt chills creep around her body as the newfound sensation pleased every single part of it.

“Ah! Ahhhhh, so-good!”

Encouraged by her appraisal, Ryutaro’s speed increased.

“Ah!! I’m going to come” moaned Ryutaro

Atsuka’s back automatically arched as she felt her final wave of pleasure arrive.

“Turn around” her boss commanded

Atsuka did as she was told. She was met by Ryutaro’s skillful tongue. He sucked on her own as he gently pushed her against the bed.

“How was that for your first time?” he asked as he pulled his bed sheets over their naked bodies.

“That was…like no other… you’re so good Ryutaro!” she enveloped their bodies in warmth as she embraced him. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

He chuckled, “Now, about that previous confession of yours” he turned to face Atsuka directly.

“Would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“You do realize that we mixed up the order right? We had sex without dating first. Isn’t that strange?”

Ryutaro kissed her forehead.

“Not at all. We were just special like that. Think of it as unique. So…will you?”

“I’d love to be yours then”

“Now I won’t hold back!”


“Wait till you see what I have in store for you” he laughed.

“That’s not all I have up my sleeves” he winked
Owari :3

Please, PLEASE, PLEASEEEE feel free to leave a comment xD
One word to even a simple sentence is enough to keep my heart content♥
Thanks guys! :D

one shot, fan fiction, ryutaro morimoto, p:morimoto/oc, r:nc-17

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