Fuck & Forgive [OneShot]

Aug 27, 2011 00:27

Title: Fuck & Forgive
Author: kodochalover
Pairing: DaikixRyutaro
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Apology sexxxx! Ryutaro will only forgive Daiki if he has sex with him :3

A/N: WOO XD I'm on a roll here xP This is my 2nd fic of the day xP I usually don't update so quickly but I'm trying to take advantage of my breaks lol This prompt was also requested by someone on hsj_smut for the hsj/jr anon fic meme :D Hope its also good^-^

“I’m truly sorry!”

The 8 JUMP members were surprised to see how deeply apologetic Daiki looked. His back fully bent forward and his arms stuck tightly against his body.

“As the oldest members in the group, we couldn’t do anything for you during the scandal. It is our responsibility to guide you all and protect you. On behalf of BEST, I truly truly TRULY apologize.” Daiki’s head remained low as he waited for a response.

“Dai-chan…” whispered Hikaru.

Yabu took the space beside Daiki and joined him.

“We are deeply apologizing from the bottom of our hearts.”  He said.
Hikaru, Takaki and Inoo joined in.

“Hontou ni gomenasai”

“It’s alright you guys. Please lift your heads. We will all work together to find a solution and cope with this situation, alright?” said Yamada.

“You guys didn’t have to do that you know.” Said Ryutaro

Daiki rushed over to Ryutaro and grabbed him by the shoulders.

“Look Morimoto. We’re all a team right? Which means that we all have each other’s back no matter what happens. So don’t mind it. Doing things like these, as long as it helps a member out, we’re fine with them.”

Ryutaro smiled.

“I can forgive everyone. Except you Daiki”

“HUH?” exclaimed the group.

“Why only me??? What did I do to you??”

Ryutaro smirked and stepped outside their dressing room.

“What the hell?” said Keito.  Everyone gave each other a perplexed look.

“Oi! Wait a moment  Ryutaro!” Daiki ran after the younger boy.

Ryutaro walked down the hallway and into a restroom. Daiki ran after him and slammed the door wide open.

“Why aren’t you forgiving me?!”

Ryutaro stood in front of the bathroom mirror as he washed his hands.

“I can forgive you. But-“

“But what?”

“Only if you have sex with me.”

“Where did that come from?” Daiki stood there shocked. He had never thought of the boy as someone he’d just randomly have sex with.

“Have sex with me Dai-chan. If you do, then I’ll forgive you for not defending me when those nasty reporters were speaking crap about me”

Daiki blushed. First of all, “Dai-chan”? Ryutaro had never used that affectionate name. He had always been rather cold and only teased him constantly about his height. Never did he think that this was what he thought and wanted from him.
Ryutaro jumped and sat up on to the marble counter top. He waved his hand towards him, signaling for Daiki to come closer. Daiki obeyed and stood before Ryutaro.

“Will you do it?”

“Will you forgive me if I say yes?”

“Mmmmm, who knows~”

“Oh c’mon. How do you not know?”

“Look, you either do it or not. Yes or no?”

Daiki looked down as his hand tousled his own hair as he thought about Ryutaro’s request.

“Fine. I’ll do it.”

Ryutaro smiled as he grabbed Daiki’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. The older boy did not resist. He opened his mouth and allowed the younger boy to slip his tongue inside. Daiki brought his hands up and caressed Ryutaro’s back.  His hands snuck in under his shirt and touched his soft, warm skin. Ryutaro wrapped his legs around Daiki’s back as he deepened the kiss.

“Mmmm…” moaned Daiki

Ryutaro broke the kiss and jumped off the counter.

“Let’s go inside one of these stalls.” He grabbed Daiki’s hands and pulled him in, locking the stall’s door behind him.
Ryutaro got on his knees and began to unzip Daiki’s pants.

“W-wait…shouldn’t I be doing this??”

“No, its fine. I have to prep you.” Ryutaro fondled Daiki’s member. “But it looks like you’re already getting hard on your own.”
Ryutaro engulfed Daiki’s member. His lips tickled the sensitive skin, making Daiki cringe against the wall. The latter sucked hard on it while fondling the older boy’s balls with his right hand.

“Aahhhh…” Daiki leaned his head against the wall. “This feels great.” He dug his fingers through Ryutaro’s hair as he pushed the boy in deeper. As Ryutaro began to go in deeper, he felt Daiki’s firm hands pull him off and pick him up.

“What are you doing?”

“Just stand.”

Ryutaro did as he was told. Daiki turned him and made his back face the older boy. He leaned against him as he unzipped Ryutaro’s pants. His hands snuck inside and caressed the latter’s already hardened member.


Ryutaro placed his hands against the tiled wall as he felt a pair of hands touch his sensitive area. Daiki pressed from behind harder, letting the younger boy feel his own hardness. Ryutaro’s pants were constricting his speed, so the older boy had to quickly pull them down before resuming.  He felt as Daiki’s lips landed kisses on the back of his neck. He sucked hard, producing little red marks.


Daiki felt as sweat formed around his forehead and slowly dripped forward. Being stuck inside a small bathroom stall created heat at a faster rate.

“It’s too hot in here” whispered Ryutaro. “Take my shirt off.”

Daiki released the younger boy’s member and pulled his shirt up and off over his head. He then proceeded to remove his own. Suddenly Ryutaro felt as Daiki grabbed him by the waist and hugged him tightly.

“If I hurt you, tell me ok?”

Ryutaro felt as both their skin stuck nicely thanks to their sweat. He grabbed Daiki’s hands and nodded.

“I’ll smack you. How about that?”

Daiki laughed, “That works too”

The younger boy slipped his pants and underwear off and hanged them on the side wall. Daiki carried the boy and leaned him against the stall door. Ryutaro gripped the top of the door as he wrapped his legs around the latter to maintain a balance. Daiki placed his member right outside of Ryutaro’s hole. He teased it a bit by poking around it.

“Stop that…Just give it to me fast Dai-chan”

“Awww, fine”

Ryutaro took a deep breath as he watched Daiki push in quickly.

“AAAHH! Damn that hurt…” Ryutaro winced as he tried to relax around the older boy.

“You told me to go fast.”

“Just do it…”

Ryutaro winced during the first few thrusts, however the pain subsided when Daiki’s member managed to hit a very sensitive area inside that made him cringe against the stall door. His grip tightened every time the older boy hit the right spot. Ryutaro observed the way Daiki quickly and skillfully moved in and out. The way he gently kept hold of his waist. Small beads of sweat rolled down his chest and torso as he hit the right spot. He looked really hot during sex.

“Aahh” moaned the older boy. “You’re really tight Ryutaro. It feels really good right now..”

“You feel really good too…”

“Will you forgive me now?” said the older boy as he continued to push in and out.

“Aahh, ummm…”

Daiki shot the younger boy a glare.

“I do…Dai-chan I forgive you-ahhh!”

Ryutaro smiled. He arched his back against the door as he felt himself cum over all over Daiki’s chest. The older boy came right after, filling the younger boy with a warm liquid. Daiki pulled out, letting the boy stand on his own.

“Ahhhhh, that felt too good…” Ryutaro’s legs gave out and he ended up falling to the floor.
Daiki pulled his hand out and helped the boy up.

“I’m glad I got that kind of reaction out of you. We should get dressed.”

Ryutaro nodded as he reached for his clothing. Daiki picked his shirt up for him and helped Ryutaro put it on.  The older boy grabbed his pants and helped him with those as well. After buttoning them up for him, he reached for his own clothes. Ryutaro helped him put them on as well. Once finished, the younger boy reached for the stall’s lock, but stopped midway when he heard the sound of the bathroom’s main door open.
“You think they ran in here?”
“Well the staff said that they didn’t see them run outside or anything so this has to be it.”
Daiki’s eyes widened as he realized who the voices belonged to.
“It’s Chinen and Yuto!” he mouthed.

“I KNOW!” the latter mouthed back. Ryutaro bit his finger as he realized what a pinch they had gotten themselves in.

“RYUTARO!!! DAIKI!!!! ARE YOU IN HERE??!” shouted Chinen.

“Shut up! Don’t yell! So noisy.” Complained Yuto. The taller boy checked the stalls one by one. Chinen ducked and took a peek of the floor.

“HEY! I SEE YOU GUYS!!!” he pointed.

Yuto walked to the stall Chinen had pointed at and peaked over the door from the top.

“Seriously? Why are you two in one stall?”

“Uh…” Daiki was lost for words.

“We decided to take a leak together.” Retorted the younger boy.

“Yeah right!!” exclaimed Chinen. “The smell of sex is in the air! You guys just had sex didn’t you!!” the shorter boy laughed as he derived to his conclusion.

“No, we seriously had to take a leak together.” Said Ryutaro with a serious expression. He opened the stall and stepped out towards the bathroom’s exit.

“Yeah right! Cause Chinen and I totally take dumps together in the same stall as well right?” said the tallest boy. Ryutaro rolled his eyes and waved good-bye to the two.

All Daiki could do was laugh and agree with Ryutaro’s statement as he ran out of the bathroom in an attempt to avoid Chinen’s questioning.

“Ryutaro wait!”

The latter stopped and turned to face the older boy.

“What’s up?”

“So I’m definitely forgiven right?”

“Yes” smiled the latter as he turned to walk away once again. However, Daiki grabbed a hold of his wrist and quickly turned him around. He grabbed Ryutaro by his shirt collar and pulled him in for a kiss.

“I’ll definitely continue to protect you, Ryutaro”

Ryutaro blushed. “Thanks Chibi~”

“Oi! Don’t call me that damn it!”

Owari :3

fan fiction, ryutaro morimoto, smut, arioka daiki, p:daiki/ryutaro, r:nc-17

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