Birthday Sex Shot [One Shot]

Aug 07, 2011 13:47

Title: Birthday Sex Shot
Author: kodochalover 
Pairing: Okamoto/Nakajima/Yamada
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The dirty deed has been done in public, moreover, why in a purikura booth?.

A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LARYN!!! (crazyfaucet ) Here’s your promised fic♥ Hope you like it^-^

“Woohoo!! We’re gonna have a blast today guys!” exclaimed Yuto.
He leaped in the air and landed with his hands shot up to the sky. Yamada laughed while Keito simply followed behind with his hands in his pockets.

“It’s so hot today. I don’t know how the hell you’re maintaining your energy Yuto.” said Keito.

“It’s all in the head Keito!” smiled Yuto as he jumped on top of Keito’s back. “You have to tell yourself that it’s not that hot in reality!”

Keito sighed as he pulled the boy off his back.

“I can’t do that”

“I’ll give it a try” smiled Yamada.

“Yay!!” exclaimed the taller goy as he hopped towards Yamada and hugged him.

“Pushing all that aside, what are we doing today? Got any plans?” asked Keito.

“Not really. I thought we’d be going by whatever we felt like doing today”

“Nice idea Yama-chan!” yelled Yuto in English.

“ha, your fail attempts at English sound cute Yutti” teased Keito.

“Don’t call me that!” said Yuto. He placed his hands over his cheeks in an attempt to cool them down.

“And I’ll get better at English, just watch!”

“Sure, sure,” said Keito

The three walked around a cluster of stores. Many people around their age walked around as well. Ahead of them was a small crepe stand with a pink ceiling. A line of customers patiently waited to purchase their sweets.

“Hey guys! I’m hungry! Let’s go to that crepe stand!”

“Yamada! You’re always hungry” Yuto laughed as he pointed Yamada’s habit out.

“Sounds like a good idea though. We can rest there for a bit too; away from this blazing sun.”

“Keito’s right.” Said Yuto, “Let’s go”

Once in the line, Keito felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and read the received message.

Keitooooo! Don’t forget to get a group photo of you with Ryosuke and Yuto! You promised it’d be my bday present right?! Well today’s the day and I’m waiting for it!

Keito replied.

Okay, Okay. I got it.

“Is that a friend from England??”

Keito felt startled. He quickly stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

“Why do you ask?”

“The text was all in English, duhhhh.” said Yamada.

“No, she lives in Canada. I just needed to wish her a happy birthday.”

“Ah! It’s her birthday today?? Let me see your phone”

Keito took his phone out and handed it to Yamada.

“What are you going to do?” asked Keito

“Hold on.” Yamada quickly typed something.

“What’s he doing?” asked Yuto

Yamada showed them the cell phone’s screen.

“I’m texting Keito’s friend a happy birthday! It’s one of the things I remember from English class.”

“ooohhh I wanna do it too!!”

Yuto took the phone and added his message.

Happy Birthday Laryn! -Ryosuke
Happy Birthday!!!♥♥♥-Yuto

“Alright, sent!!” smiled Yuto.

“Thanks guys. I’m sure she’ll love that.”

“Was that her contact photo? You know, the photo beside the text.” Asked Yamada

“Yes, why?”

“She’s cute~” smiled Yamada

“Oh you thought so too?!” asked Yuto

“Wow, you guys need to calm down”

she’ll faint over this text and the compliments. Keito chuckled as he pictured his friend’s reaction.

After eating their crepes, Keito spotted a purikura booth.

“Hey, let’s go take some photos at the purikura booth”

“That’s odd. Usually you’re too shy for those” said Yamada

“Umm…I thought we should commemorate today”

“I wanna take a photo!! Let’s go! Let’s go!” said Yuto as he cheerfully pulled the two into an empty booth. The small booth was brightly lighted and spacious enough to snuggly fit three people yet they found themselves pressed against one another. Yuto closed the curtain and began to select frames while the two leaned back and observed the screen.

“It’s so hot in here” complained Yamada and Keito at the same time. Yuto looked back and laughed.

“You two just can’t take it can you? Take off your jackets if it’s too hot!”

Keito rolled his eyes while Yamada stuck his tongue out. Keito pulled one arm at a time out as he removed his black leather jacket. He looked up as he pulled it off and noticed that Yamada was doing the same.

When did he get so muscular? wondered the English boy.


Keito snapped out of his thoughts as he realized that he had hit the latter with his jacket.

“I’m sorry Yama-chan. Is your eye okay?”

Keito leaned in and blew on Yamada’s eye.

“It’s cause you recklessly took your jacket off!” proclaimed the boy as he quickly pushed the boy away and hid his blushing cheeks.

Sheesh why does Keito have to be super attractive!

“You two are mean!” whined Yuto


“You’re being lovey dovey without me! C’mon! Let’s take a lovey dovey photo!”

Yuto jumped between them and pulled the two in closer by the neck.


The machine took a photo.

“Now for the 2nd shot…a kiss for you, Keito!”


The photo was taken and a startled Keito was caught on film.

Yamada laughed. “On the mouth?! You got Keito blushing in a corner now!”

“Your turn Yama-chan!”


Yuto leaned in and kissed him in time for the 3rd photo.

“Yuto!!” exclaimed the two.

“What?? I’m sorry! I’ve been trying to contain myself but the two of you just look really hot. I had to kiss you two.”

Keito’s eyes widened as he touched his lips.

Yamada took a look at Keito and glanced back at Yuto.

“You’re gonna have to take responsibility now.”

“What do you mean?” questioned the taller boy.

“You’ll see. Keito, can you please hold Yuto back?”

“Sure.” Keito smiled as he realized what Yamada had in mind. He knew this was bound to happen.

“There’s been too much sexual tension among us 3. Don’t you think its time we take care of it now that you crossed the line Yuto?” explained Keito.

Yuto shivered. The way Yamada and Keito spoke sent shivers down his spine. The purikura machine took a photo as Yamada knelt in front of Yuto’s member. Yuto attempted to struggle out of Keito’s grip.

“Not here at lest! Are you crazy Yama-chan. What if someone opens the curtain!!”

“No one will.”

Yamada pulled out Yuto’s member and took it in his mouth. A 5th photo was taken.


“Yuto, you know you don’t want us to stop” explained Keito.

“It’s your fault for kissing us the way you did.”


“No” mumbled Yamada as he continued to suck on the now hardened member.


Yuto leaned his head back besides Keito’s face.

Keito took the opportunity and licked Yuto’s ear. Yuto blushed immediately. His cheeks and ears turned red.

“Ke-Keito, not my ears…they’re too sensitive”

“Really? Let’s try it again then.”

Keito took in Yuto’s ear and sucked on it.


Yuto’s face was flushed red. He cringed in reaction to the pleasure and took desperate breathes. Yamada pulled the latter’s member out of his mouth and unzipped his own pants.

“Can you turn him over to face you Keito?”


Keito turned Yuto and faced him. Keito smiled. Yuto looked so cute when he blushed the way he was blushing now. Beads of sweat were forming on the taller boys’ forehead. His eyes squinted as he felt Yamada’s fingers spreading him wide.


“Shh Yuto!” Yamada smacked Yuto’s leg softly.

“I’ll take care of it Yama-chan”

Keito grabbed Yuto by his head and pulled him in for a kiss.

Keito stuck his tongue in to try and cease his moans. He caressed Yuto’s nape with one hand and caressed his ear wit the other.

“I’m putting it in”

Keito nodded and felt as Yuto’s body pressed against Keito’s chest in response to Yamada’s entrance.

Yuto bit Keito’s tongue and managed to catch his breath.

“aahh! You guys…” he moaned softly.

He placed both arms against the wall as Yamada thrusted in and out at a steady pace.”

“Yama-chan, you better finish this quick or else people are gonna notice how much this booth is rocking.”

“Well, then help me”

Keito nodded and slid down to the floor and engulfed Yuto’s member. He sucked and licked every area and brought about his own erection.

“Damn it.”

Yuto looked down and saw how hard Keito was.


Keito looked up. They boy’s wavering voice hardened him more.

“Let me do you…”

Keito stood up and pulled his pants down. Yamada and Yuto walked back a bit to give him room. Yamada stopped his actions for a moment to allow Yuto’s entrance.


Both Yuto and Yamada pushed in simultaneously. Each push raised the small hairs around their bodies and brought forth a tingling sensation. Yuto took a hold of Keito’s member and pumped at the same time as he thrusted in and out. Yamada kept a firm grip on Yuto’s waist as he too pushed in faster and faster until both he and Yuto came together.

“aahhh.. That felt so good. Thanks Yama-chan.”

“Hey, I haven’t cum yet.” complained Keito.

Yuto zipped his pants up and kneeled in front of Keito.

“I’ll fix that.”

He took it all in and slurped up every drop of liquid that exited the member. Yuto looked up at Keito as he licked his lips and fingers.


Keito laughed and zipped his pants back up.

“You know that machine took at least 1 more photograph while we were in action right?”

“Well now we can look at those and remember our little outburst” said Yuto as he reached for the printed photos.

“Ehh, it looks like it took 7 pictures instead of the usual 5.” pointed out Keito as he took a photo of the first group shot.

“It’s Yama-chan’s naked butt!”


Yamada snatched the photos away and looked at the last photo.

“What the hell??”

Yuto couldn’t stop his laughter. He leaned against the wall as he pointed at Yamada’s photo.

“Shut up!!” yelled Yamada as he hid his blushing face against the wall.

There. I finally sent her the photo she wanted. Looks like Laryn and I both received a nice gift today. Keito smirked in response to his thought.

Keito shut his phone and snatched the photo away. “Ok guys let’s go. We shouldn’t stay here any longer.”

“Fineeeee” said Yuto as he attempted to regain his composure.

“Wait, but can I keep the photo of Yama-chan’s ass??”

Owari :3

First time writing a fic with Keito and Yuto xD and a threesome over all xD Hope you guys enjoyed it^^
Remember to comment if you can^-^ One word to a bunch of words, its all welcomed :)

one shot, nakajima yuto, fanfic: birthday sex shot, yamada ryosuke, smut, r:nc-17, fan fiction, ot3:okamoto/yamada/nakajima, okamoto keito, g:hey!say!jump

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