Take Me For a Night [OneShot]

Aug 01, 2011 18:01

Title: Take Me For a Night
Author: kodochalover 
Pairing: YamaChii/AriYama
Rating: NC-17 w/Angst
Summary: I long for his heart but his heart longs for another. Please…at least pretend I’m him for a night…

A/N: This is the first time I’ve embedded angst with smut o-o In general, it’s the first time I’ve ever written angst lol Also, someone requested this plot on the hsj_smut hsj_smut  community so I took the liberty of writing it. I hope its good for you all! Please enjoy.

Chinen dropped his bag on the floor. He stood still in the door way. He couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t take it anymore. He rapidly took his shoes off and carefully skipped over the broken glass that covered the floor near the entrance. He could not see a thing. The lights within Yamada’s apartment were off and thoroughly complicated Chinen’s walk. The only think that lead him through the darkness was a sound. The sound of subtle sobs followed by the sound of complicated breaths.


No response.

He pushed the bedroom door open and noticed a trembling figure, slumped over the floor. He quickly turned the light on and noticed that the room was a complete mess. Tears rolled down Yamada’s cheeks, one by one, damping the sleeves that the boy used in a desperate attempt to cover them. Chinen noticed that he was gripping on to a crumbled photo.

“Arioka” Chinen whispered furiously.

I’ve always loved Yamada. Ever since the first day he cheerfully spoke to me. I was a loner during my 1st year of high school. I was always too shy to speak with the rest. But not him. That day, I was eating lunch in the corner of the classroom alone as usual. I wasn’t expecting what was about to happen next.

“Chinen-kun right?”


“Do you masturbate?”

I choked on my food. My cheeks flared up upon hearing the question. Here was this one boy, shamelessly yet cheerfully asking me something so embarrassing.


He smiled. He continued to smile that way, everyday as he approached me and dragged me into his circle of friends. He made me the happiest with that smile. The way his eyes formed a crescent, and the way his cheeks would puff up a bit. Yes. That smile. The smile that slowly disappeared after encountering him. The guy who took away his special smile from me.
I’ve detested him ever since the day Yamada ran to my home, proclaiming great news.

“Chii! I have someone I like!”

“W-what did you just say??”

“I said, I have a new love interest.”

“Who is it this time?”

“His name is Arioka Daiki! He’s so cute!!”

Yamada always had a crush but they never lasted. He’d find a new one instead, never commencing a relationship with them. I had been able to ignore them until then. I always felt overjoyed inside whenever he’d tell me about his failed confession. I felt horrible for feeling that way, but my happiness overpowered that feeling.

I consoled him as he cried in my arms. Heart break after heart break I’d take him to places like the park, pool or his favorite cake shop. All to get him back to his cheerful self. All of his crushes hurt him at one point but Yamada was always able to get back up. I didn’t think that this Arioka Daiki would bring so much trouble for us.

I always wondered,

“Has Yama-chan ever considered my emotions?”

I loved him. I was desperately in love. I couldn’t imagine myself without his presence. I still can’t. I watched every day as he followed Arioka around and left me behind. I watched as his eyes never left him. I watched day after day until I realized that Yamada had fallen in love. My heart broke in two that day.

One night, during our 3rd year in high school, he came running to my house, banging my door. He threw himself against me the moment I opened my door.

“Chii…” He sobbed.

“W-what’s wrong?? Why are you here so late?? It’s raining and you’re soaking wet too!”

“I-I confessed!”


“He rejected me…”

I smiled. But managed to hide it.


“I…I was alone with him after class…”

I heard as my broken heart cracked.

“and I kissed him.”

That was his first kiss. Crack.

“He pushed me away and and he told me that he loved a girl…”

He fell to the floor and dragged me down with him. His head fell on my shoulders. His cries grew louder.

“I’m…I’m so sad Chii!”

I held on to him tightly and dragged him to my bed, where we slept until late afternoon of the next day.

My beloved. My first love. My first heartbreak.

He hasn’t been the same since then.

His house was always a mess from then on. He remained still in the dark of his home. I’d end up cleaning after him and forcing him to eat. Sometimes his mood would improve.

One morning, he showed up at my place dressed in bright colors, cheerfully smiling.

“Ohayou! Let’s go on a date Chii!”



He pulled me out and dragged me around town. The day was beautiful. Spring was nearing, small pink buds were visible on each tree we passed by. A breeze passed us and caressed our faces.

It all felt like a dream. A sad dream that had slowly improved as the months went by. Now, I felt like I was living in such a happy, beautiful, dazzling, dream like reality.



“You know, up until now…I-I”

The warm hand that held my own tightly had released its grip.
The person before me was no longer the cheerful boy that had dragged me out for a date. The smile that had led me to believe that things were transforming for the better had dissolved into a quivering frown. His lips trembled. Tears welled around his eyes as they widened in disbelief. I turned and faced the source of Yama-chan’s instant dismay.

It was him. That bastard.

I watched as he shamelessly kissed a girl underneath a cherry blossom tree. In a frantic attempt to preserve Yamada’s stability, I covered his eyes and dragged him away. We ran to his apartment where he crashed and broke down in sobs.

“Please don’t cry…”

“Can you please leave me alone?”


“I’m begging you!” he yelled.

My startled self ran out of his apartment. My feet wouldn’t stop. As to where I was heading, I had no clue. But right then and there, all I wanted was the world to end and swallow me whole. The love of my life had no need for me. What else would I live for?


All I could do was yell. Yell. Scream. Shout.

My contained emotions spilled out in a blur as I ran through the streets with tears in my eyes.

Someone…anyone…end my misery. Please.

A week passed. I didn’t call, text nor visit him. I was afraid of what my heart would make me do or say if I saw him cry over him again. By the end of the week, I convinced myself to go. He was probably back to his normal self. At least, that’s what I told myself. I decided to drop by his home around night time because I knew he’d be home for sure.

I rang his doorbell but no one answered. I knocked and knocked but no one came. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door.

“It’s unlocked…”

Fear filled my head. The place was nothing like it was the last time he visited.


“I can’t take this anymore!” Chinen rushed to Yamada’s side and raised the latter’s head.

“Chi…” he continued to sob.

“Why must you do this to yourself?! Enough!! Enough with this year long crush!! I cant stand seeing you so depressed over a fucking jerk! Please forget him already!”

He received no response from the latter. His sobs increased instead. He grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him.

“Ne Yama-chan! Ne! Ne!”

“I love him so much Chi…”


There goes the last bit of my heart.


Yamada’s eyes widened as he stared at Chinen, bewildered.


He had lost it. Chinen stood up and kicked Yamada’s furniture around.

“WHY?! WHY?!!”

Yamada’s tears became loud cries.


“NO!! You want to know who’s horrible here??! Huh?!! YOU WANNA KNOW?? YOU RYOSUKE!! You!!!”

Chinen felt as tears rolled out of his eyes. He couldn’t hold his feelings back anymore.

“I’ve loved you…for so long!! But you never noticed me!! You were always after others but did you ever think of going after me??! I wanted to give you my heart! You! The one who took me out of my lonely misery! The one who broke my barriers down and introduced me to a whole new life! Why Yama-chan?! Why can’t it be me?! WHY??!!”

Yamada was speechless.

“I…I…I…didn’t know…”

“Of course you didn’t. It was always about him…”

Chinen’s hands moved towards the buttons of his shirt. One by one, each came undone until he remained shirtless.

“What-what are you doing?”

Chinen remained silent.
He proceeded onto removing his pants.

“S-stop it Chi!”

Chinen kneeled in front of Yamada and took his hand. He placed it over his bare chest.

“Can you see me now Yama-chan? Can you please consider me?”


“Please Ryosuke”

“I-I can’t Chii…not with you”

Chinen’s head lowered in despair. He couldn’t avoid the tears that gushed out. Yamada attempted to stand but failed to do so when Chinen grabbed a hold of his hand.

“Can you at least pretend?”


“Pretend I’m him…”

“I can’t…”

“Yes you can!! Just pretend I’m him and do whatever you want with me.”

Both remained in silence for a few minutes.

“Fine. I’ll just leave.” Chinen stood up, gathered his clothes and headed towards the bedroom door.


Chinen froze. He turned and faced the latter.


“Turn off the light.”


“Just do it!”

Chinen did as he was told. He heard slow steps get closer and closer to him.


Chinen felt as a gentle hand caressed his cheek. The hand trailed up to his soft black hair and down to his ears. Yamada hesitated for a bit before he made his next move. The face of the one he longed for appeared in his mind.


He pulled Chinen in for a tender kiss. Tender and sweet. Chinen had always dreamed of this kiss. In his imagination, it was full of mutual love and sweetness. Now, the kiss he had always desired tasted bitter sweet.

Horribly mixed feelings of jealousy and sadness pushed Chinen to take the lead. He shoved his tongue inside the latter’s mouth, caressing every inch of it and taking in his taste. To Chinen’s surprise, the latter did not push him away, instead, he moved his tongue around, exploring Chinen’s mouth. Chinen pushed him on to the bed and commenced the undressing process. He pulled Yamada’s pants off and threw them onto the floor. He cupped his member with one hand as he pulled Yamada’s shirt off with the other.

“aahh!” Yamada’s moans were muffled by his arm.

“Don’t hide your moans. Let me hear your sweet voice Ryosuke.”

Yamada nodded and placed his arms beside him.
Chinen pulled down the latter’s underwear and engulfed the twitching member. Chinen sucked hard, he licked and nibbled at the tip, increasing each movement as he observed Yamada’s reaction.

The latter grabbed on to the sheets in pleasure and gasped every time Chinen came in contact. Yamada pushed Chinen deeper into his member.

“deeper…suck more…”

Chinen replied by further swallowing his member. He bobbed his head up and down faster.


Chinen ceased his movements immediately and raised his head up to look at the latter. Suddenly, the tables turned. Yamada grabbed Chinen by the shoulders and flipped their positions. Yamada was on top. The back of his hand caressed Chinen’s cheek. The latter closed his eyes as he enjoyed the soft touch. He leaned down and kissed Chinen. His tongue intertwined with Chinen’s. Both moved rapidly as they moaned. Yamada’s hand traveled down towards the latter’s member. He pumped it fast increasing the volume of Chinen’s moans.


Yamada rubbed his member against the latter’s. Both moaned in response to the increasing pleasure that the friction provided.

“I want you inside of me Ryosuke”

Yamada was startled by the request.

“A-are you sure?”

“I’ve wanted this for so long. So please. Give it to me.”

Yamada caressed Chinen’s hair. He pushed his hair back and caressed his forehead.


He gently spread Chinen’s legs and placed himself in the middle.

“I’m going in.”

He placed the tip before the latter's entrance. He pressed in slowly. He felt as Chinen’s waist twitched in response to the new sensation.


He waited a bit before thrusting.
His pace was slow at first but it increased every time Chinen moaned in response.

“Ryosuke” whispered Chinen. Soon after whispering that, he felt as warm tear drops landed on his cheeks.

“I love you so much…Daiki” tears were streaming down from the older boy’s eyes. He continued to thrust. The pleasure and slight happiness that Chinen had been feeling faded away the moment he heard that name. Tears welled up around his eyes.

That’s right. I’m just a replacement for the night. Why did I let myself think any better?

Chinen looked away as he felt Yamada’s and his own warm seed fill him.
Yamada pulled out and laid flat on the bed. One arm covered his eyes. He attemted to hide his tears but proved to be a futile attempt.
Chinen got dressed quickly and ran out of Yamada’s apartment. He shut the front door behind him and slid to the floor as he leaned against it. His trembling hands covered his face as he cried and cried.

“He…he…called me Daiki…he said his name…”

Chinen looked up to the starry sky.

“I finally got my wish…but why do I feel so miserable?? Tell me God…Why??... Why??!...”

------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Owari :3

P.S It'd make me very happy if you could comment and tell me your opinion. I like to know how im doing x3 It can be super short or it can be super long xD Either way, it makes the writer happy^^

fanfic: take me for a night, one shot, chinen yuri, yamada ryosuke, smut, arioka daiki, p:chinen/yamada, r:nc-17, fan fiction, g:hey!say!jump, p:daiki/yamada

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