Summer Thrill: With a Popsicle on the Side [OneShot]

Jul 18, 2011 21:51

Title: Summer Thrill: With a Popsicle on the Side [OneShot]
Author: kodochalover 
Pairing: AriYama
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Oh the summer heat, only strawberry ice pops can make it all better…or maybe a small thrill can help?? ;)

Daiki sat on his bed reading manga. It was a bright, sunny day. One of those days where you feel like your body is melting right off your bones the moment you step outside your home. It was terribly hot and the boy was wearing nothing but swim trunks. The only things keeping him cool were a fan and a strawberry flavored ice pop.

“Dai-chan! Dai-chan!”

Startled, Daiki looked up and smiled once he took notice of the cheerful voice that called him.

“Hey Mei! What’s up?”

“Ano…I came to visit your sister today. We’re going to make smoothies together. You know…since its so hot and all…hehe”

The younger girl blushed as she quickly took a glance at the shirtless Daiki.

“That sounds delicious Mei. Will you make me one?”

“O-of course!!! Only because you asked me to Dai-chan!!”

“Haha, you’re so nice Mei-chan, thanks!”

The blushing girl smiled and clumsily ran out of his room. On her way, she bumped into another visitor.

“Ah! Gomen Yamada-kun!”

However the latter glared with all his might and walked right past her.
He stomped towards Daiki’s room and slammed the door shut behind him.


“Hey Ryo-chan~ That was Mei”

“I know who that girl is! We’re in the same class together. What I meant was, what was she doing here?! Why’d you behave so nicely??!”

Daiki giggled and set his manga down.

“She’s my sister’s best friend. She’s always hanging out here.”

“Don’t be so nice to her Dai-chan! She obviously likes you!! Did you not see the way she stupidly blushed at your exposed body?!”

“Are you jealous honey?”

“Yes!! Because she’s into you! She’s also pretty. Everyone in my damn class checks her out. I’m sure you’d leave me for her too if you ended up falling for her tricks!”

“I wouldn’t do-“

“Besides…only I can call you Dai-chan…” Yamada pouted.

“You’re so cute when you’re jealous, did you know that??”

“No!! Just, please promise me that you’ll never fall for her!”

Daiki stood up and got closer and closer to the latter until Yamada’s back was against the bedroom door. He placed his hand against the door and licked his strawberry ice pop.

“Look Ryo-chan. I’m not one bit attracted to her. Yeah she’s pretty but-“

“So you DO think she’s pretty!”

Daiki sighed and stuck his ice pop inside Yamada’s mouth.

“Hush and listen to me! I’m not interested in her. You’re the only one I find attractive. You’re the only one I want. You’re also the only one that can get me as turned on as I am right now.”

“Wha-what?? You’re turned…” Yamada blushed. However his purpose was not forgotten.

“PSHHH!! Lies!!” Yamada looked away and continued to lick the ice pop.

“This is good, where’d you get-“

Daiki leaned in and kissed him. The latter wouldn’t open his mouth so Daiki reached iside Yamada’s shorts and groped his member.


Yamada’s lips parted enough for the older boy’s tongue to barge in. But, Yamada succeeded in pushing him away.

“Stop. You’re sister and that girl will hear us.”

Daiki ignored him and pressed him against the door.

“Dai-chan…I-I’m going to drop the ice cream”

“Then eat it quickly.”


As Yamada continued to eat the pop, Daiki pulled the latter’s shorts and boxers down and pumped his member.


“Keep your voice down, honey”

“O-Of course I can’t keep my voice down! You’re attacking me!!”

“It’s not attacking when the “victim” likes it. You’re already super hard.”

“N-no I’m not”

“Liar. Stop trying to deny it.”

Daiki turned Yamada around and pressed him against the door once again.



Daiki pulled his member out and thrusted inside of his lover.


Daiki covered Yamada’s mouth with his hand. He continued to thrust in and out of him.
The ice pop was melting. The red syrup leaked through the younger boy’s hands and dripped on to the floor.


A soft voice was heard on the other side of the door. Yamada attempted to talk but only a muffled noise was heard. Daiki pushed in deeper to silence him.

“Yes Mei?”

“Is everything ok in there??”

“Yes. Did you need something?”

Daiki uncovered Yamada’s mouth and continued to thrust in fast.

“What flavor do you want for your smoothie??”

Daiki reached for Yamada’s member and caressed the tip.

“Strawberry sounds good!”

At this point, Yamada himself was moving his pelvis, in and out, as the pleasure he had attempted to deny in the beginning began to increase.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want strawberry? Is it your favorite fruit??”

Damn it!! How dare he do this to me…I’m dying from embarrassment right now…yet it feels so good

“Hmm, well you see, strawberries remind me of someone important in my life. They’re his favorite”

“Ehhh?? Really??”

“Yes, he shared them one time with back when I was still in the same school as you. Which was a rare occasion cause he was really selfish when it came to strawberries.”

Dai-chan…don’t keep her here any longer with your stories!!

Suddenly, Yamada felt as Daiki’s hand and hip movements increased in speed.

“AAHHHH” Yamada’s eyes widened as he heard a loud moan escape his mouth.


“Ano, is Yamada-kun ok??”

“Haha yeah!” replied Daiki “He’s just upset that he wont be getting any handmade smoothies from you!”

“Does he want one too??”

Daiki and Yamada came at the same time. They felt as the warm sensation dragged them both to the sticky floor. The ice pop had disappeared completely.

“Do you want one Yamada-kun?”

Daiki turned around and kissed him.

“C’mon, Ryo-chan. You know you want some~”

“Y-yes…I’d like one…”

“Okay. I’ll bring one up for you too then! I’ll be back!” they heard Mei run quickly down the stairs.

“BAKA!!! What were you thinking!! You technically fucked me in front of her and we almost got caught!!”

“I told you that I was turned on! Besides, you wouldn’t believe my words.”

“I believe you now…now can you let me clean myself?? I feel sticky and gross.”

“Sure you can. BUT, it will cost you a chu!”

“You read too much of my manga” laughed the latter
He leaned in and kissed him.

“OW!! You bit my lip!”

“Ha! That’s what you get!” Yamada stuck his tongue out and ran towards the shower.

“You’re too cute Ryo-chan”

“Of course I am! ”
Owari :3

YAY!~ Another AriYama fic lol I wrote this one when I was separated from my beloved internet :/ So I’m posting this now that I finally got it back xD!!

Like it? Hate it?^^

Feel free to express your reactions/opinions :D!

fanfic: summer thrill: with a popsicle o, one shot, yamada ryosuke, smut, arioka daiki, r:nc-17, fan fiction, g:hey!say!jump, p:daiki/yamada

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