ladysunflow do not read this post!!! Begone! There are spoilers!
I fear it will be a little while before we have an UnSullyed episode of
Bones, but I coped much better this time than I did for
The Girl in the Gator. I was even more prepared this time and I had received much counselling and support from fellow
Bones fans :D
In this episode, Brennan and Booth spend more time apart than they do together. Ordinarily I wouldn't have a problem with that per se because I absolutely adore the interactions among all the characters. I include Cam in that, too by the way. Hodgins, Zach, Cam, Angela, Booth and Brennan in different combinations are a thing of delight. The secondary characters aren't there merely to make Booth or Brennan look good and act as a foil for them - they're all characters in their own right and equally lovable and interesting.
Unfortunately. Sully is not.
In The Man in the Mansion, the team are investigating the death of Terence Bancroft, a wealthy man who was one of the Jeffersonian's major donors before he karked it and was found in an advanced state of decomp in his manionmansion (I can spell. Really). Hence the title of the episode. :) We learn that Hodgins has a connection to the deceased and his actions compromise the evidence and the reputation of the lab. This causes much conflict, particularly for Brennan who is fiercely loyal to her flock of Squints. Booth is still in therapy sessions with Dr. Wyatt (guest star Stephen Fry) and tension is escalated when Agent Sullivan and Brennan appear to be interested in one another romantically.
I know that I'm going to sound defensive and very psychotic, but I would like to state at the outset that it's not that I want to see Brennan and Booth jump into bed together - because while that would be awfully hot, the show would be over.
What I do want though is the banter between them. They kind of have to be in the same room for that to happen or at least on the phone together. I don't mind them apart when they're still solving cases together, interacting together, being the anchor for one another. What frustrated me in this episode was that Booth was off doing useful things when he wasn't with Brennan, but Brennan was hanging out with Sully who really adds nothing to the dynamic of the show except some manufactured and artificial romantic tension. As a character I find him bland. I also don't find him attractive. I don't find David Boreanaz attractive either but I think Booth is one of the sexiest characters around. Sully on the other hand has the attractiveness of a bus ticket.
I am harsh.
"My good opinion once lost is lost for ever."
"That is a failing indeed!" cried Elizabeth.
OK I'm not quite that bad, but I've yet to see anything about Sully that makes me interested in his backstory or interested in him at all. Cam on the other hand actually has a certain snap and chemistry with the team. Sometimes it's antagonistic, sometimes it jars and rubs me the wrong way, but I think that her interaction with them works. I also think that the team, to a certain extent, has accepted her as one of them.
All caps barring four were from
The beginning of the episode starts out well. It's Brennan and Booth at the crime scene. She's teasing him about his therapy sessions. I like that he's told her about them, that he's clearly listening to his psychiatrist even if he pretends to shrug it all off. He knows he has issues and I like that he's trying to resolve things. It's very Robbie Williams, right? He's trying to be a Better Man.
Cam's at the crime scene before them.
So's the victim. He's not looking so good and he's also a bit too fleshy for Brennan's liking. She likes her crime scenes bones only.
Booth and Brennan side by side - the way it should be. Hmph. Do I sound bitter much? That's because I am.
Blurry cap but I kept it because I liked Booth's blurry image in the background. Always around, looking out Brennan and watching over her even if she's not aware of it.
Brennan mentions Booth's in therapy.
I love the way Cam is so amused and how Booth's so cute when teased about being in therapy.
Sully and Brennan moment. The first of many. Let's move along.
I have to say that Hodgins has the most amazing eyes. I don't find him hot, but he is very attractive. There's something slightly odd about his eyes - I think they're slightly, slightly off kilter but for some reason it makes his eyes look even more attractive. I know that sounds strange.
Hodgins' old flame and the reason he tampered with evidence. Sorry, but she's not a patch on Angela. Seriously.
Booth and Brennan spend most of the episode apart. *sigh* *wrings paws* Here is Booth interviewing a witness without Brennan.
Angela and Brennan talking about the case and about Sully. *pout* While I like the Girl Bonding moment between Angela and Brennan because their friendship is one of the gorgeous things in this show - I wasn't a huge fan of the subject matter of the conversation.
I said before that
Sully reminds me of Xander from Buffy, so to misquote Xander: "How IS Sully? Pretend I care." :P
Booth and Sully talking about Brennan. The only good thing about this scene is that it's quite clear that Booth feels something for Brennan even though it isn't proved beyond reasonable doubt that it's that he wants Brennan.
In my view, the scene doesn't cast Sully in the most flattering of lights. He's the one who suspects and guesses that his friend (or at least amicable colleague) is attracted to Brennan. A gentleman would step aside but he doesn't seem to care and just wants to get Brennan in the sack. I don't think that's particularly respectful towards either Booth or Brennan.
Booth investigating another victim. Again not with Brennan. *duckbills*
Back at the Jeffersonian. Oooh there's hope........ Could it be? Could it be that there will be a Brennan & Booth scene?
Well there's Booth .... but he's with Cam.
Sully and Brennan again. Sigh. I include the image of Sully in basketball gear in case anyone likes him even though I don't.
The scenes of Booth with his psychiatrist are kind of adorable. :D
Sully and Brennan again :(
Booth and Hodgins. I do enjoy their scenes together. They're both such capable and smart men in different ways.
Location shot of DC that always seems to piss off people from DC. I don't think I've ever seen my hometown (Canberra) used in any movie or tv series :D I'd be happy for any mention even if it was inaccurate :D
Booth with witness - again sans Brennan.
Brennan and Angela talking about You Know Who. Again. *koala headbutts the floor*
Oooh Chinese food. Please tell me that it's going to be a hilarious Brennan and Booth tête à tête .....?
Nope. It's not Booth + Brennan + Chinese takeaway = gorgeous tête à tête. It's Booth and psychiatrist. Still, at least these two are funny :D
Booth on being told that his belt buckles are provocative ie. an attempt to draw the attention to his crotch.
The way Booth adjusts his trousers made me laugh :D The expression on his face is kind of: "Is that really how it is???"
An all too fleeting Brennan Booth moment. Still, I always like these images of Brennan and Booth. Even when not side by side, one might be in the foreground and one in the background on standby :D
Caroline our favourite lawyer is also there.
More sparkage on the screen when these two are just standing side by side.
Back at the Jeffersonian. It's Brennan and the Squints.
No Booth. But there are some aesthetically pleasing bones. Cudos to the props department for making a skeleton look nice instead of creepy. Is it wrong that i found myself admiring the layout of the bones on the table?
A while back, I posted a
link to a fan video that used the Jewel song 'Absence of Fear'. I thought that the video maker did an excellent job, but I also thought that the song suited the show so well because the words really sound like something Brennan or Booth could say to one another without ever saying it out loud. Both of them are just so emotionally reticent and yet both are so trusting of the other.
Inside my skin there is this space
It twists and turns
It bleeds and aches
Inside my heart there's an empty room
It's waiting for lightning
It's waiting for you
And I am wanting
And I am needing you here
Inside the absence of fear
Muscle and sinew
Velvet and stone
This vessel is haunted
It creaks and moans
My bones call to you
In their separate skin
I make myself translucent
To let you in, for
I am wanting
And I am needing of you here
Inside the absence of fear
there is this hunger
This restlessness inside of me
and it knows that you're no stranger
you're my gravity
My hands will adore you through all darkness aim
They will lay you out in moonlight
And reinvent your name
For I am wanting you
And I am needing you here
I need you near
Inside the absence of fear
I particularly liked the lines "Muscle and sinew / Velvet and stone / This vessel is haunted / It creaks and moans / My bones call to you".
To be honest, I never really stopped to think about it before - the way our bodies are just composites of flesh and bone animated by a strange, mysterious electrical current/power. It's weird to stare down at my hand and realise that without the muscle and flesh it would just be a small pile of bones. That sounds morbid I know, but it's also rather fascinating. That's why I'm quite intrigued when Brennan says that others see a pile of bones and she sees the person the bones used to be .....
From the pilot:
Brennan: I hate psychology. My most meaningful relationships are with (laughs) dead people.
Angela: Who said that?
Brennan: It’s true. I understand Cleo and her bones are all I have ever seen. When she was seven she broke her wrist probably falling off a bike and two weeks later before the cast was even removed she got right back on that bike and broke it all over again. And when she was being murdered she fought back hard even though she was so depressed she could hardly get up in the morning. She didn’t welcome death. Cleo wanted to live.
From The Girl in the Fridge:
Levitt: Are you as cold and unfeeling as you seem?
Brennan: I see a face on every skull. I can look at their bones and tell you how they walked, where they hurt. Maggie Schilling is real to me. The pain she suffered was real. Her hip was being eaten away by infection from lying on her side. Sure like Dr. Stires said the disease could contribute to that if you take it out of context but you can’t break Maggie Schilling down into little pieces. (the jury listens intently) She was a whole person who fought to free herself. Her wrists were broken from struggling against the handcuffs. The bones in her ankles were ground together because her feet were tied and her side, her hip, and her shoulder were being eaten away by infection and the more she struggled, the more pain she was in so they gave her those drugs to keep her quiet. They gave her so much it killed her. (to jury) These facts can’t be ignored or dismissed because you think I’m …uh, boring or obnoxious because I don’t matter. What I feel doesn’t matter. Only she matters, only Maggie.
Also, go back to the
"Why are you so nice to me?" conversation from The Man in the Morgue ......
I find it intriguing that something so anonymous and 'faceless' as a pile of bones can still carry some degree of uniqueness and can still convey a message.
But I digress. Ooops.
This was the scene where Hodgins resigns. I love it how Brennan just won't accept it. She has always been loyal to her people, but I don't think she could ever turn away from Hodgins - especially since Aliens in a spaceship.
When Brennan doesn't take his resignation letter, Hodgins hands it to Cam knowing that she'll take it. He knows that Cam knows what's what even if Brennan doesn't. When he says he is trying to save Cam the trouble firing him, Brennan doesn't get it.
Brennan won't accept it. Can't understand. She takes it literally, firing someone isn't hard, you don't have to resign she protests.
Cam is pragmatic. I don't blame her for it She's doing her job. What Hodgins did was very serious.
Brennan is almost child-like in her simplicity sometimes. Hodgins had good motives, she likes Hodgins, she can forgive him for things he has done wrong. Her notions of right and wrong are quite simple so she just doesn't get it.
Hodgins understands it all though. Although he looks moved at Brennan's actions, he walks away sadly.
Brennan watches him go. It's very sad. :'( Excellent scene though.
This fabulous scene was Angela demonstrating that she's picked up a lot of knoweldge about fungus from hanging out with Hodgins. She looks very pretty here. It's funny when I first saw Angela I didn't think she was pretty at all, then I thought her face was a bit long and horsey. Now I think she's very pretty.
She must genuinely care about Hodgins. She's taken the effort to get to know him, to understand the things that matter to him. The two of them have clearly talked about everything under the sun. Ships, sailing wax, whether pigs have wings and ... fungus :D It's adorable and what this scene tells us about how close Angela and Hodgins have become is just gorgeous.
Booth. Again sans Brennan but he and Hodgins reconcile and bond. I've been thinking about this. I disapprove of what Hodgins did, of course, but I think that was very hypocritical of Booth to condemn Hodgins. He did exactly the same thing in 'The Man in the Morgue' when he hid Brennan's ear ring after he found it at the crime scene. His motives were pure. He did it all for the power of lovefriendship - but Hodgins' motives were also pure.
Perhaps it's this realisation that makes him 'forgive' Hodgins. Maybe it's more than just realising that he was being hard on Hodgins because he's a pampered rich guy, he realises that he probably might have done the same thing. In fact, he has done the same thing.
Again, I don't approve of evidence tempering and circumventing the judicial process - but these characters are all flawed. They're not flawed in an Oh My God Dark And Gritty I Want To Kill Myself Because This Is So Bleak And Realistic kind of way, they're flawed in a kind of - we have good intentions but we screw up now and then because we're mortal kind of way.
I love, love, love Caroline the gutsy prosecutor blasting the whole gang to pieces. She totally calls them on all their screw ups and it's just hilarious. It's like a Television Without Pity recap - but affectionate and funny! :D
Caroline: Listen up you people the verdict is gonna come down any minute. Maybe we'll win maybe we'll lose. But this I do know. You peope have to got to get your sand together, you hear me? Booth and you scientist android brainiacs you got something special here but you are losin' it. (glares at Angela) Droppin' serial killers off balconies and blabbing suspects names to vengeful fathers!
Caroline: Cuttin' into heads before their times, gettin' poisoned. (Cam looks sheepish)
Caroline: Gettin' blown up because you go grabbin' for things you shouldn't ought (Zach cringes. Man I hate his hair right now)
Caroline's not finished though.
Caroline: Takin' photographs from frames!
Hodgins' eyes are mesmerising again.
But Caroline's not moved :D
Now Booth gets it between the eyes.
Caroline: Gettin' a perfectly good car smashed to bits for NO good reason!
I am still fascinated by Hodgins wonky but mesmerising eyes.
Caroline: Get it together! Start usin' your oversized heads. :D This is the real world!
Cam looks pretty here but she doesn't escape the blasting from Caroline. :D
Angela and Hodgins are so cute together. Seriously.
Brennan and Sully on the other hand? I felt nauseated so picked the most fuzzy screen caps I could find :P *covers eyes with paws*
Angela looking startled at the kiss but she is clearly not a Booth/Brennan shipper as her expression is: 'Yay' and not 'WTF?' the way mine was :P
Girl talk between Brennan and Angela again. I loved it even though I wish it hadn't been about Sully :D
They arrive to see Booth waiting in Brennan's office. He's sprawled there like the arrogant but lovable alpha male he is.
Angela is amused.
Brennan and Booth alone at least. I love that Brennan notices his socks right off. She notices the little things about him just like he notices her. These two really See each other - it's just funny that they don't See what the rest of us know.
God I love his socks. I seriously want a pair of socks just like Booth's :D If I could, I'd buy a pair, too!
Brennan: Wow those socks, those are amazing
Booth: That's right, the socks, the tie, the belt buckle - all escape valves for my socio economic rage
Brennan: I hate psychology
Booth: I know. It's how I deal with the day to day irritations of dealing with people who are more privileged.
Brennan: (matter-of-factly)I slept with Sully last night
Booth: (looks a bit shocked) Oh I thought you already uh ...
Brennan: No. Last night
Booth: Yeah. Well it's really none of my business
Brennan: Except we're partners
Booth: Yeah, there's that
Brennan: And you told me about your socks
Booth: (mild sarcasm) Sex. Socks. Pretty much the same word.
The above exchange is adorkable. Brennan's just so clueless but she's endearing. She thinks Booth has shared something personal about himself so she wants to share something, too. It's almost child-like in the way she thinks she wants to keep her partner apprised of what's going on in her life. She's not telling him to make him jealous, she's just telling him because she assumes he has a right to know :D Whether or not it's the case, she regards the fact that he told her about his socks/escape valve as 'confiding' so she wants to 'confide back' in him as if to reassure him :D Adorkable!!! *cuddles Brennan, Booth and Booth's socks*
Brennan: Do you have a case or are you just visiting?
Booth: Yeah, I'll fill you in on the way. It's messy. (Looks naughty and tilts his head at her). Better bring some protection?
Brennan: Let me get my gumboots.
So much chemistry and charm. It almost makes up for the Sullyed parts of the episode. Almost. Not Quite. *fumes quietly*
Brennan walks off and Booth exhales as if under great strain.
Booth: Yup. I'm gonna need a flashier tie.
Bahahahahahahah :D
Love it. Love that he keeps it light but after Brennan leaves, you can tell that he's not thrilled about her revelation - even though he probably won't admit the reasons for it to himself :D
God I love this show :D
PS: I realised I'm going to have to go through again and update my video clips in earlier posts because the youtube clips put up by other people are being taken down left right and centre. I really don't understand why Fox is being so incredibly rabid with meaningless enforcement for this show. Few of the clips exceed a few minutes, some are just a few seconds - I'm not sure why enforcement for Bones is more stringent than anything that seems to exist for Prison Break, Supernatural, SGA of BSG. To be perfectly honest, if they want the show to stay on air, they need to let it develop a strong fan and devoted fan base. Crushing them like bugs is not going to help. I know Fox monitors the LJ comms which is why I don't want to post links to my pic spams over there anymore, but then that fragments the fandom. Sometimes I don't understand corporate philosophy. Sure the aim is to protect the show - which means you need the show to flourish and continue to exist?
* who is kung fu chicken?