Puzzles: Felina finally finished; Snoopy and Charlie Brown almost done!

Feb 11, 2010 17:19

In terms of puzzles:

1. ladysunflow, also a puzzle fan sent through this link about Match & Munch puzzle-shaped sandwich cutters!

2. I mentioned that the puzzle Felina by Victoria Francés is DIFFICULT!. We finally completed it on Sunday, 7th February!

Photo's a bit blurry but here it is:

Definitely an extremely difficult puzzle to finish!

3. On Sunday evening, we started on the Snoopy & Charlie Brown puzzle from our Peanuts Photomosaic Puzzles set :)

Using the recipe-book holder again :)

We made a bit of progress in the last day or so:

Charlie Brown's shoes took shape

As did his head

And Snoopy himself :)

puzzles, snoopy, vampires

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