[page 162]
War Department Files
AAF Classified Files (cited AAG with decimal).
The most valuable materiel was found in 000-800 India-China and 312.1 Operations letter.
000-800 India-China
061 Maps, India-China
201 General Clayton L. Bissell
201 General Lewis H. Brereton
201 General Claire L. Chennault
201 General Caleb V. Haynes
201 General Earl L. Naiden
210.2 Promotion
210.68 Assignment Officers
210.68 Foreign Detail
210.68 Military Detail
250.1 A Conduct-Morale
300 A India-China
312.1 A Classes of Correspondence (Operations Letters)
313.1 B Classes of Correspondence (Operations Letters)
312.1 C Classes of Correspondence (Operations Letters)
212.1 D Classes of Correspondence (Operations Letters)
312.1 E Classes of Correspondence (Operations Letters)
313.1 F Classes of Correspondence (Operations Letters)
319.1 Logs
319.1 Reports Daily
319.1-8 A Statistical Reports
319.1-8 B Statistical Reports
331.9-2 A Organization of Air Corps
322 Air Forces
337 A Conferences
381 India-China
385 Methods-Manners Conducting War
400 India-China
400 Misc. India-China
450 India-China
452.1 India-China
452 J Airplanes General
600.1 India-China
680.2 A Visits 680.2 B Visits 680.2 C Visits 686 India-China
Message Files.
Extensive use was made of cable and radio messages for the period December 1941 - January 1943. Ail messages cited in this study are filed in the AAF Message Center and/or Archives, Historical Division, AG/AS, Intelligence. Use was also made of the A-2 Summary Files in
[page 163]
the Records Breach, Collection Division, AC/AS, Intelligence (cited Ar-2 Library).
Intelligence Reports.
Daily and Weekly Intelligence Reports from the Tenth Air Force were thoroughly searched. These files, in the Records Broach, Collection Division, AC/AS, Intelligence, are incomplete for 1943.
Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Hans.
Especially useful were the files of the Combined and Joint Staff Division, Office Services Division, and the Asiatic Theater Section.
Unit accords Branch, AC/AS, Operations, Commitments, and Requirements, Tenth Air Force Files.
These files were valuable for indicating troop movements and unit locations, changes of designation, and personnel strength Records for the Tenth Air Force during 1942, however, are not complete.
Aircraft Status ledgers, Training and Operations Branch of Statistical Control.
These files are helpful in ascertaining the number of aircraft on hand at regular intervals. There is no way, however, of determining the condition of the aircraft sad the data must be used with caution.
Unit Histories
Unit histories for the following organisations ore filed in the Archives of the Historical Division, AC/AS, Intelligence, except as noted.
China Air Task Force
11th Bombardment Squadron
436th Bombardment Squadron (1942)
51st Fighter Group
51st Service Group (1941-1943)
59th Service Squadron (1941-1942)
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 7th Bombardment Group (1943)
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Tenth Air Force
Headquarters, India Air Task Force (1942)
Headquarters, Tenth Air Force (1943)
Headquarters, Tenth Air Force Service Command (1943)
India-China Ferry Command (1942)
9th Bombardment Squadron (1943)
7th Bombardment Croup (1943)
Tenth Air Force Service Command (1943)
The India-China Wing to 31 May 1943 (Filed in Air Transport Command,
Historical Section) 341st Bombardment Group (1942-1943) 3rd Air Depot (1943) 22nd Bombardment Squadron USAAF, India-Burma Sector, China-Burma-India Theater.
[page 164]
General Orders, Headquarters Tenth. Air Force, New Delhi, filed in the Archives of the Historical Division, AC/AS, Intelligence: No. 1 5 March 1942
No. 3 10 April 1942
No. 4 15 April 1942
No. 7 3 Mar 1942
No. 8 6 May 1942
No. 13 22 June 1942 No. 14 25 June 1942 No. 15 26 June 1942
No. 16 15 July 1942
No. 19 14 August 1942
No. 20 18 August 1942
No. 23 3 September 1943
No. 28 7 October 1942
No. 33 27 October 1942
The following interviews, except as noted, are filed under United States 9000, Interviews and Statements, in Records Branch, Collection Division, AC/AS, Intelligence;
Adler, Gen. Elmer E.( 18 January 1943. Allison, Lt. Col. John, 3 July 1943. Bacon, N. R. (ex-AVG), 22 April 1942. Baumler, Maj, A. J. 24 March 1943.
Bissell, Maj. Gen. Clayton L., 19 May 1944, (Unrecorded, with author). Bouchard, R. N., Pratt and Whitney representative, 3 April 1943. Harper, G. J., and McMahen, E. E., Allison representatives, 16 August 1943.
Holloway, Col. B. K., 16 November 1943. Hood, Col. Reuben C, 27 April 1943.
Keenan, Capt. James M., and Sloan, Capt. George E., 15 July 1943. MacMillan, Maj. George, (ex-AVG), 5 November 1943. MacMorland, Col. E. E., 12 February 1943. MacNair, Col. G. H,, 15 July 1943.
McMahen, E. E,, and Harper, G. J., Allison representatives, 16 August 1943.
Marsland, Capt. Robert A., 20 July 1943.
Morton, Maj. Marvin, 16 November 1943.
Nelson, Albert E., Bendix representative, 24 June 1943.
Paxton, George L., (ex-AVG) 28 August 1942,
Russell, Brig. Gen. Clinton W., 4 June 1942,
Sanders, Col. Homer L. June 1943. Schaetzel, Col. George E., 29 November 1943. Scott, Col. Robert L, 30 April 1943.
Sloan, Capt. George E., and Keenan, Capt. James [M]., 15 July 1943. Snow, Col. C. A., 12 May 1944. (Unrecorded, with author)
[page 165]
Official communiques, as reprinted in the New York Times, offered helpful supplementary information.
Special Reports
The following reports made by men from combat theaters were valuable:
Report on Bomber Escorts and Night Flyer Tactics for China Air Task Force, to CGAAF from Col. Robert L. Scott, 22 December 1942. In Records Branch, AC/AS, Intelligence.
Report on Hindustan Plant, signed by Col. Frederick D. Sharp, GSC, based on interview with W. D. Pawley, 2 November 1942. In British Empire (India) 9505, Records Branch, AC/AS, Intelligence.
Report of Col. S. M. Karrick, IGD, to Inspector General, 23 December 1942. In AAG 600.1 India-China.
Report on P-40 Mission, Special Project 157, by It. Col, John E. Barr, 19 June 1942. In History of Headquarters, Tenth Air Force, in Archives, Historical Division.
Report by Lt. Col. B. D. Wagner to CG USAFIA, 4 May 1942. In AAG 385 Methods-Manners Conducting War.
Talk by Col. M. C. Cooper in Gen. Johnson's Staff Meeting, 23 December 1942, signed by Maj. H. C. Lint. In AAG 337 A, Conferences.
Minutes of Meetings
The following records of meetings held at Delhi early in 1942 regarding basic plans for the American Forces in Asia are included in Shipment #18 from Ninth Air Force, Archives, Historical Division. These were particularly valuable in studying basic policies to be followed by the Tenth Air Force in the first year of the war.
Minutes of an Administrative Planning Conference held at Air Headquarters, (Delhi), 15 March 1942.
Minutes of Second Meeting of the Administrative Planning Committee held at Air Headquarters, (Delhi), 22 March 1942.
Record of Meeting held 22 March 1942, Subject: Supplies and Services to be rendered to USA Forces in India,
Minutes of Third Meeting of Administrative Planning Committee held at Air Headquartered (Delhi,), 30 March 1943.
[page 166]
Special Studies
Certain special studies gave valuable information regarding the general situation in the China-Burma-India Theater at the time the United States was engaged in establishing an air force in the theater. Among the most useful were:
A Survey of India's Industrial Production for War Purposes, Report of the American Technics! Mission to India. Submitted to the Government of India and to the Government of the United States, August 1943. (Grady Report)
Road Transport from Western India to Calcutta and Assam. British Empire Section Report No. 3, 9 March 1942.
Strategic Survey of Northeastern India. Office of Strategic Services, Research and Analysis Branch, 19 January 1943.
War Department Survey of India. Prepared under direction of Chief of Staff by Military Intelligence Service, WDGS, 15 July 1943.
Newspapers and Periodicals
Chennault, Claire L. "Role of Defensive Pursuit," in Coast Artillery Journal. Part 1, (Nov-Dec. 1933), 411-417; Part II,(Jan-Feb. 1934), 7-11; Part III, (Mar-Apr. 1934), 87-93.
James, E. [Franden], "Burma Road of the Air," Plane Talk. March 1944, 18, New York Times. December 1941-December 1942,
O.N.I. Weekly. January 1942 - December 1943.
White, T. H., "China Air Task Force," Life Magazine, 13 April 1943, 77.
Belden, Jack, Retreat With Stilwell. Alfred Knopf, Hew York, 1943
Christian, John Leroy, Modern Burma. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1943
Greenlaw, Olga, The Lady and the Tigers. Dutton and Co., Hew York, 1943
Hotz, Robert B., With General Chennault. Goward-McCann, Inc., New York, 1943
Seagrave, Gordon, Burma Surgeon. Norton Bros., Hew York, 1942
Scott, Robert L. Jr., God Is My Co-Pilot. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1943
[page 167]
Stettinius, Edward E. Jr., Lend-Lease. The MacMillan Company, New York, 1944
Stowe, Leland, They Shall Hot Sleep. Alfred Knopf, New York, 1944
Thomas, Rowan T., Born in Battle. Winston, New York, 1944
Whelan, [Russell], The Flying Tigers. Viking Press, New York, 1943
Pocket Guide to Burma. War and Navy Departments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1943.
Pocket Giude to China. War and Navy Departments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1940.
Pocket Guide to India. War and Navy Departments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1943.