[Dated to May 20th]

May 14, 2010 23:56

Things are progressing slowly. Every day takes its small toll on her in the way of emotional pain tearing at her, keeping her from John. She still has no gun and she still has no explanation for what kind of time skip must have happened to bring her here. Something must have happened during the surgery and she has no way of finding out what or what kind of mad scientist has decided to put this madhouse show together.

She's making small steps of progress. She's found herself a temporary home and is starting to fortify it. She's made sure that she has primitive weapons and checks in place for if someone arrives that she knows. She has her investigations underway.

That leaves several important things.

First: find enough people and befriend them on a casual level. Close enough to earn mild trust, but not too close to arouse suspicion.

Second: make sure the cancer isn't in her body. That's why she's at the Clinic after researching the roster of names. Ellie seems the best bet. A mother, a woman, and who seems normal as can be from her quiet investigation. She's timed her arrival to the clinic in the middle of Ellie's shift, knocking lightly on the door. "Hi," she greets with an even pull of her lips. "Dr. Woodcomb?"


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