Title: Playing Dress Up (a.k.a. 5 Times Hikaru Made Yabu Crossdress)
Author: Knowmonsta
Pairing: YabuHika, HikaBu (Yabu x Hikaru)
Words: 864
Genre: Romance/Fluff/Crack
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Prompt #65 of the HSJ-thon.
Because Kocchan's probably trying to adjust the wig. )
Comments 38
LMAO, my favorite line throughout the whole thing!! XDD
It's just like Hikaru to be the one to suggest Yabu be the one to cross-dress. XDD
thank you for the fanfic they're soo good (^-^)b (--- give thumb
And you can save it to your computer if you'd like (as long as my name remains as author of course)!
Thanks for reading!
"Do it because you love me!" Hikaru exclaimed pouting
I can seriously imagine that.. but some how Chinen came in my mind pouting as well..Lol.. 2 cute boys pouting in my mind~
"You're so lucky it's for your birthday Chii," he said through gritted teeth.
I wonder if anyone write fanfics about Chii crossdressing.. cause I want to read it..
"And Yabu-kun's a great actor," Chinen added. "He did really well playing Goldilocks. It was a great idea to suggest him Hika-chan."
Nice Chii.. you're an honest boy~ haha.. poor Hikka getting bustard..
"Umm . . . I love you?" Hikaru replied, praying that would be enough to get him out of the beating of his life.
Looks like it didnt work na~ poor hikka.. but I love you~
Hikaru screamed and ran, Yabu chasing after him yelling 'I am gonna kill you Yaotome Hikaru!'
I can totally imagine that!! so funny~ and cute! reminds me when they're still young.. miss the chibi hikka and chibi
And I missed the Chibi YabuHika. They seemed so much closer back then.
Yes.. I like them more when they're still in Ya3, coz like you said.. they seemed much closer back then.. talking about Ya3.. I miss Taiyo T-T and the way hikka like to tease him (...)
The Icon? I made it myself.. the picture is too cute.. I just have to make an icon out of it XDDDD
That's why I miss Chibe hikabu T-T but now.. Yabu goes to Chii!?XD
Hey, by the way, I'm Rie, I've been kind of semi-stalking you (by reading your fics) so I thought I should actually comment for once.
And by the way, I LOVED THIS. Makes me believe in my favorite pairing all over again.
That and Yabu looking like a girl....xD, on blahchiharu's HSJ pimp post, she has this pic of Yabu that this fic totally make me think of (think Yabu in a black coat with his normal hair...and those huge shades pretty much every girl wears. And you've sooo got a girl). Oh and Hikaru screaming. That's an amazing mental pic, ^_^.
I'm so glad you liked it! And I saw the pic on the pimp post. Yabu looked like a complete girl! *gets glared at by Yabu*. Lol.
And keep the faith with YabuHika. I'm sure more moments with them will occur!
Thank you for reading!!! And the next installment of YabuJin should be out soon!
-_-, I just saw the pic yesterday. I was feeling the need to be nostalgic because that pimp post actually helped me get into HSJ originally...and I had never noticed that pic before. Bad move. WHY, YABUCHII, WHY?!?
I'm hoping...I've been seeing a lot of stuff with Hika and Inoo recently, and apparently it's not just me. That pairing's so adorable...but YabuHika is definitely my first choice forever. T_T, COME BACK TO MEEEEE, YOU WONDERFUL PAIRING! I'LL WAIT FOR YOUUUUU!!!
Really? YESSSH! I was reading it yesterday and it's too kawaii to be left getting dusty on a proverbial shelf.
i can totally see no.2 happening XDD
But I'm really glad you loved it! And #2 would be so adorable!!!!
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