HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! oh man. going days on end without talking to people can get shitty. but its also refreshing in a way. i feel better.
I've been watching Cemetery Man alot lately. So many things i pick out of that movie that could have a bigger meaning then what is shown. I love movies like that. and Anna Falchi
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I had a fun weekend. Friday night was spent in Blackrock with dro and alcohal. bunch of cool mutha fuckas. minus the latino drama that i avoided and past out on trish's floor. dueling snores according to dave.haha
Right now there is nothing better than my coffee, cigarettes, and Fity cent.
So my day at work was different to say the least. Got to move office equipment next door instead of working the counter. Drunken dart predictions were somewhat accurate. 1 day