Primeval Drabble: Out Of Time

May 23, 2023 21:56

Title: Out Of Time
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 837: Out Of Time. Sequel to The Last Night, Third Times The Charm and Hubris.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard the scratching and watched as the door began to gape from its frame. The gap widening as I watched in horrified fascination as a skeletal taloned hand slide into view.

I had ran out of time, and it was only then I realised I'd been holding on to the hope I'd be rescued. Even though it would have been a death sentence to anyone foolish enough to try.

I raised Vera and waited, every shot would have to count. And I would count every shot, for the last would be for me.

drabble, james lester, gen, dark themes

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