Primeval Drabble: Had It Coming

Mar 14, 2023 21:57

Title: Had It Coming
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Nick Cutter/James Lester, Jo (OC), OCs
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 827: (Wo)man's Best Friend. Set in my Under The Moonlight wolfverse. Idk.

Nick tensed as he noticed the blue lights as he entered the car park. He relaxed when he spotted Shadow.

“You’ll have to remain there, sir,” a uniformed officer informed Nick, keeping everyone on their side of the barrier - Shadow ignored him and trotted over to Nick.

“It that your dog, sir?”

“Yes,” Nick replied before noticing Jo. “Jo, are you OK?”

“Thanks to Shadow.”

“And a handy knee,” the paramedic murmured, causing the uniform to wince and Nick to frown.

“Mugger had it coming,” Jo declared, adding, “Shadow crashed through the bushes and distracted him at the right moment.”

werewolf, lester/nick, wolfverse series, au, gen, ocs, james lester, drabble, primeval, nick cutter

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