Primeval Drabble: We Need To Go Back

Jan 10, 2022 22:47

Title: We Need To Go Back
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Helen Cutter
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 766: Back to Square One. I thought I should get back to this, so this is part 39 of my Ice Age drabble series and ( Read more... )

helen cutter, drabble, james lester, primeval, gen, ice age drabble series

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Comments 8

adafrog January 11 2022, 03:25:13 UTC
uh oh. I'd like to think she's got 'good intentions' but I know better.


knitekat January 12 2022, 21:34:52 UTC
Well, this is Helen we are talking about.

Thanks for reading.


cordeliadelayne January 12 2022, 00:21:43 UTC
Lester should run a mile in the other direction!


knitekat January 12 2022, 21:39:22 UTC
He should, but he's not sure how to get home. Plus there is a chance, a small one granted, that she's telling the truth.

Thanks for reading.


fififolle January 23 2022, 14:03:58 UTC
Yeah, no, James, just leave it, haha.


knitekat January 30 2022, 12:57:40 UTC
James would if he could - except he doesn't know where he is, how to get home and doesn't think he should leave Helen unsupervised.

Thanks for reading.


eriah211 August 13 2023, 20:16:13 UTC
That doesn't usually work well... and why does she need Lester for? I'm getting worried!


knitekat August 15 2023, 20:52:29 UTC
It doesn't... and she hasn't told me. I think we should all be worried.

Thanks for reading.


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