Primeval Drabble: Fast Isn't Everything

Aug 16, 2021 19:13

Title: Fast Isn’t Everything
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Helen Cutter
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 745: Fast Food. #36 set in my Ice Age drabble series and follows Not Neanderthals. Somewhat of a side swipe of ( Read more... )

helen cutter, drabble, james lester, gen, ice age drabble series

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Comments 8

goldarrow August 16 2021, 18:38:20 UTC
*g* For once, I think Helen has the right idea!


knitekat August 16 2021, 18:46:48 UTC
I think, for once, that James agrees with you.

Thanks for reading.


cordeliadelayne August 16 2021, 22:46:51 UTC
Lol, good thinking!


knitekat August 19 2021, 22:50:39 UTC
Helen preens. James rolls his eyes.

Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


fififolle August 22 2021, 09:56:27 UTC
Uh oh! lol, great drabble *g*


knitekat August 22 2021, 13:34:41 UTC
James hopes it is uh oh for the lizards, or maybe Helen, but not him. Althought maybe not Helen (unfortunately) as then he'd be stuck in the past, all alone.

Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


eriah211 August 13 2023, 20:12:45 UTC
Time to run again, Lester! \0/


knitekat August 15 2023, 20:47:58 UTC
Yep, Lester wishes he didn't have to keep running... but it is better than the alternative.

Thanks for reading.


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