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Comments 16

goldarrow August 10 2021, 20:59:02 UTC
Lovely interplay between the characters, though I have to say that:

“Finn’s been using a heat gun?”
I could understand his concern. “Give Finn anything dangerous and he’s fine. It’s the safe things you have to worry about.”

was a highlight line. I snickered happily on reading that one.

Nice one.


knitekat August 10 2021, 21:28:38 UTC
*bows* Glad you liked the interplay and somehow, Finn and the heat gun just fitted.

Thanks for reading.


eriah211 August 10 2021, 21:55:42 UTC
Aaaawwww, this was lovely! ^_^
Great to see them spending some quality time together (not a fun way to spend your days off, Ryan, but it had its perks, right? *g*). It was bittersweet, really felt Lester's sadness there, but I was very happy Lester decided to keep the house in the end.
LOL at the guys not being afraid to have their boss as their landlord too and Danny being specially nosy, as usual (good that Becker is there to keep him in check, sort of).
It was a wonderful fic, thank you very much for writing it!


knitekat August 12 2021, 16:16:18 UTC
*bows* Very happy to hear you loved it.
Ryan wasn't sure why he was helping out, but he liked the result in the end ;). Sorry re Lester's sadness but it was required and, in the end, I think he had to keep the house.
Well, they're OK atm, who knows what they might think later. Good to know the Danny bit was OK, I did wonder if it was a bit OCC for him.
You're very welcome, I'm just happy you liked it.


nietie August 11 2021, 06:56:54 UTC
Such a nice side of the men and I love their relationship (Go, Lester for showing his feelings for Ryan).
And great conversations, hahaha.


knitekat August 12 2021, 16:20:22 UTC
Glad you liked the boys spending time together. Lester had to admit to his feelings for Ryan, it just took him some time to get there.
Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


tli August 11 2021, 15:24:59 UTC
That was a lovely read.


knitekat August 12 2021, 16:21:08 UTC
Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


fredbassett August 11 2021, 17:26:05 UTC
LOL at setting the curtains on fire! That was definitely an oopsie moment!

Very sad about Lester's grandmother but I'm glad he decided to keep the house, and letting it to people he knows is a really good idea.

Lovely fun fic with nicely deep undertones :)


knitekat August 12 2021, 16:25:48 UTC
Well, literally setting them on fire was too good to miss.

I was mean to Lester and esp his grandmother, but it was necessary. You were correct when you wanted to see what happened to the house, but I think it was always in my mind for him to rent it out. Even if it meant renting it to Quinn.

Glad you liked it and thanks again for the beta.


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