Primeval Drabble: Growing Old, (Dis)Gracefully

Sep 23, 2019 23:07

Title: Growing Old, (Dis)Gracefully
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Hilary Becker, Stephen Hart, Jon Lyle (OC), Myrtle (OC), Beryl (OC)
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 646: Adult Entertainment

“Oh look, Myrtle, the strippers are here.”

“Are you sure, dear? They said they’re soldiers.”

“Yes. Just look at them, they’re far too pretty to be soldiers. Got to be the strippers.”

“You’re right. Especially that one with the blue eyes.”

“Get them off!”


“Don’t you ma’am me, young man. Get your kit off and lets see what you’ve got. Seen it all before, haven’t we, Beryl.”

“And we’d like to see it again, Myrtle.”

“What do we want?”


“When do we want ‘em?”


Lyle sniggered as Becker and Stephen beat a hasty retreat, fielding various grabbing hands. “I did try to tell you about the stripper show, sir.”

ocs, drabble, stephen hart, het, hilary becker, jon lyle (oc), gen

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