Primeval Drabble: Twice The Trouble

Jun 25, 2019 22:28

Title: Twice The Trouble
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Hilary Becker, Sid and Nancy.
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 633: Twins. Squeaking in (for me).

Lester entered his flat to find the pests running around. He had no wish to see what item of his clothing they’d ripped to shreds this time. He opened his mouth to yell at them but... just couldn’t muster the energy.

Not after the day he’d had.

The minister’s surprise visit had been a disaster, due in no small part to the other disaster-causing duo in his life. Even if the look on the minister’s face had been priceless when he’d turned the corner to find himself face-to-muzzle with Becker’s pet shotgun.

“Sorry,” Becker murmured, fingers kneading Lester’s tense shoulders.

sid, drabble, james lester, nancy, hilary becker, gen

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