Primeval fic: When The Scales Fall - Epilogue - Secret Santa 2018 for Eriah211

Dec 27, 2018 14:40

Title: When The Scales Fall - Epilogue
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 3658
Characters: James Lester, Stephen Hart, mention of several others.
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: Secret Santa for Eriah211 and her prompt: Lester/Stephen and 1) 'Are you shivering?', 2) A small black notebook found in a drawer., 3) 'I still regret it deeply.', Sorry but I couldn’t get 4) "At any given moment, public opinion is a chaos of superstition, misinformation and prejudice." (Quote by Gore Vidal) to fit. Hope you like it.
A/N 2: More talking and smut occur after the cage room.
Part 1 Part 2 Epilogue

So much had changed in the last day. Fuck! Was it only yesterday I had stood on the beach and almost collapsed when Helen called to inform me, so matter of factly, that Nick was dead? I remembered falling to my knees, my heart forgetting to beat, as she’d spun her web of lies around me and I had come so close, so bloody close to believing her. Believing that Lester had killed them, that he was the traitor. I shuddered as I thought of how close it had all come to disaster but for my decision to call Ryan, a man I knew I could trust, no matter who else might be a traitor. My ears still rang with the flash-bangs Ryan’s men had thrown with such glee into the cage room. Still, I knew the idea of being trapped in that room and being ripped to pieces, being eaten alive by those creatures hadn’t kept me awake last night.

No, what had woken me, shuddering and shivering, was why I was here, standing outside Lester’s front door. I took a deep breath, gathered my courage and knocked firmly. However, the words I had practised on my way over were wiped from my mind as I just stared at Lester.

“Well, at least you knocked this time,” Lester drawled before adding when I remained dumb-struck. “Did you want something, Dr Hart?”

It was only when he repeated himself, concern clear in his eyes, that I managed to smile as I kicked my brain into action. “I was right.”

“That must make a pleasant change.”

I refused to rise to the bait. After all, events had proven Lester had been correct, about pretty much everything. “I meant those jeans. They suit you.” I took my time and really looked at the jeans - or rather at the man wearing them. They really did look good on him, he looked fucking gorgeous in them and… I took another calming breath before smiling at him, even if my mouth spoke without asking for permission, “You look bloody hot in them.”


I forced my mind back on track. I had come here to say something to Lester, not to ogle him, lovely as that thought was. “I realised something, after the cage room.”

“Not to be an idiotic martyr?”

“I wasn’t,” I informed him. “I knew Ryan was coming.”

“You mean, you gambled he and his men would arrive in time to drag you to safety?”

Unfortunately he had a point, but I couldn’t have let Nick enter the room, he would think he was going to his death and might have decided to get it over with quickly. I believe I would have, rather than done my best to avoid the prowling creatures until Ryan arrived. “When you put it like that...”

“You were saying?” Lester enquired politely, obviously wondering why I had interrupted his forced day off.

“Right.” I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath. “Stephen.”


“My name. It’s Stephen.”

“I do know that. I have to sign your pay check after all.”

I smiled at that, nothing knocked Lester off balance for long, although I had to admit I was hoping to do so soon. “I realised something.”

“And now your repeating yourself,” Lester said. “Maybe you should have gone to the hospital.”

“I’m fine, James.”

Lester’s eyebrow arched at my use of his given name, although he didn’t mention it. “I think I’d best be the judge of that.” He paused for a moment before adding, “You were saying?” When I still didn’t reply, he sighed and asked, “You said you realised something? Am I supposed to guess what it was?”

“No.” I considered Lester long and intently enough for the normally collected man to fidget slightly. “I realised that you aren’t Cutter.” I smiled as I added, “Either of them.”

“Thank fuck for that,” Lester exclaimed.

My smile widened at Lester’s response. “You didn’t drop me when I made a stupid mistake and you didn’t use me...”

“Abuse you,” Lester cut in.

“Or abuse me,” I happily agreed. “When I heard you were almost killed, I...”

“You what?”

“I realised something else.”

“I assume there is a point to this conversation, Dr Hart.”

“That I… Oh for fuck’s sake,” I cried before throwing caution to the wind and tugging Lester into a kiss. When I finally regained control, I released Lester and glanced up, sobering instantly at the look on Lester’s face. Fuck! Had I misjudged the situation that badly? I really had fucking rotten luck when it came to my love life.


I swallowed and met Lester’s eyes. “Er… You’re not going to fire me, are you?”

“Unwanted sexual advances are a dismissible offence,” he informed me airily.

“Er...” I started before realising what he’d said. “Unwanted? What about not unwanted?”

Lester just looked at me for a moment before he gave a sharp nod. “Do come in, Ha… Stephen, you’re making the corridor look untidy.” I frowned when he waved at something behind me. “And providing far too much gossip for my neighbour.”

I smiled and resisted the urge to glance over my shoulder, instead following Lester inside. “You do realise you’ll be adding to that gossip.”

“Oh, I plan to do more than that, my dear boy.”

The way Lester purred those words sent a shiver of desire up my spine, but I still needed to clear the air between us. “I never did apologise for thinking you were the traitor.”

“Water under the bridge, my dear boy,” Lester said.

I was grateful Lester was willing to give me a second chance and I was determined to make the most of it. “I’ve made a decision.”

“You have?”

“Yes.” I took a step closer and took Lester’s hand. “That I won’t dwell on past regrets.” I kissed Lester again, taking my time and feeling him respond to my advances. “I want to think about the future instead,” I said when I finally pulled away.

“Oh?” Lester enquired mildly, a slight smile playing about his lips. “Do you have a plan?”

“Yes.” I kissed him again, my lips travelling over his skin until I could nibble on his collarbone. “And I’m sure you’ll like it.”

I couldn’t quite recall how we’d ended up in Lester’s bedroom, but to be honest, I didn’t really care. Not when I had Lester in my arms. I kissed him repeatedly, licking at his lips until he allowed me entrance and my tongue swept in to duel with his.

My fingers were busy undoing buttons and smoothing clothing out of the way until I could touch his warm skin. I could feel Lester’s hands caressing my own skin and I groaned into his mouth when he pushed against me, rubbing his hardness against my hip, and I pressed my own growing cock against his thigh.

The next thing I knew, we were making out on his bed, kissing and touching like randy teenagers on their first date. Which I supposed we were, the first date, though not, unfortunately, the teenager bit… although, my thoughts went to the supplies I knew were in Lester’s bedside drawer. Experience certainly had its merits.

That thought had my cock twitching in renewed need and I threw myself into snogging Lester, my fingers searching out every inch of exposed skin as I sought out all the places that would draw a reaction from him.

My fingers brushed against something and I paused as I tried to figure out what it was. My eyes widened as I stared at the whiteness stark against Lester’s chest, dark chest hairs peeking out from beneath it. I ran my fingers gently around the edges before I leaned in to press a kiss just to the left of the dressing. “I’m sorry.”

I felt Lester’s strong fingers gently grip my chin before he nudged it upwards, almost coaxing me to meet his eyes. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not,” I said, my voice tight with emotion as I remembered the nightmare which had woken me, gasping for breath, last night. Of Lester lying in the ARC, all bloodied and torn and...

“Stephen,” Lester said, his voice gentle as he caressed my cheek. “It is only a scratch.”

I shook my head, I knew just how close he’d come to death at the hands of bloody Leek. I’d never been good at words so instead peppered his chest with kisses, hoping each one told him how I felt. I smiled against his skin when I found one of his nipples and sucked on it. From the way he moaned and lifted his hips, I assumed I had found one of his sensitive spots. I took considerable time teasing him, nuzzling, sucking and gently biting it until it was hard against my tongue and he was squirming beneath me, every breath a moan.

I felt his hands grip my arms, pushing me away and I reluctantly released his nipple with a pop. I grinned as I just stared at him. His pupils were so dilated his eyes were almost black, his chest rose and fell rapidly and he looked so bloody gorgeous that I just had to touch him again. My fingers traced around his abused nipple before I tweaked the other one hard and he arched off the bed.

“Fuck!” Lester cried out before he dragged me in for a soul-searing kiss, one we only broke when we were both gasping for air. Lying there, breathing each others’ air as we regained some sort of control, I felt his hands ruck up my shirt until he could sweep his hands across my back and I jerked against him when his fingers slipped under the waistband of my jeans, his fingertips just grazing my arse.

“James?” I gasped out, not quite knowing what I was asking him. Not knowing what I wanted from him right at that moment, for I wanted everything he could and would give me, for as long as I could.

“Yes!” Lester fingers stroked across my skin, leaving need in their wake.

I had no idea what he was agreeing too, I didn’t know if he even knew, but I took the opportunity to lick, kiss. nuzzle and touch every spot I could reach as I moved down to his taut stomach. I circled his belly button, thrusting my tongue into it and had to grip his hips firmly when he bucked against me. I smiled against his skin, filing that away as another sensitive spot, and tongued his treasure trail as I continued my exploration. I let out a disappointed cry when I found my progress halted by Lester’s jeans. “You’re wearing too many clothes,” I complained.

“So are you,” Lester managed to say.

I arched into his touch when his fingers caressed my scalp, enjoying the attention for several moments before I had to move, needing more. I stood abruptly, smiling when Lester gave an annoyed mutter as I pulled free of his grasp. I stripped swiftly before deciding it might be sensible to put my clothes in at least a tidy heap. I heard a needy moan from behind me and turned to find Lester staring at my wordlessly, his tongue protruding slightly between his lips as his heated gaze raked up and down my body.

“Like what you see?” I asked as I teased one of my own nipples to hardness, my other hand curled around my cock. I collected a bead of pre-come before lapping it from my fingers, drawing another needy moan from Lester.

“I’d prefer you over here,” Lester groused as his fingers fumbled with his buttons and fly, his attempt to remove his jeans hampered by his arousal. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting him and more. With that in mind, I hurried over to help, struggling with his zip until I could drag it over the large erection tenting the material. When it finally gave, drawing a moan from Lester’s throat, I dragged his jeans and boxers down and found myself with an eyeful of his cock, gorgeous and leaking as it strained eagerly for my touch. One I couldn’t, wouldn’t deny either of us.

I leaned down, blowing on Lester’s cock and drawing a strangled moan from him. I grinned, breathing in the scent of his arousal before I flicked my tongue out to catch the drop beading on the tip. I licked the head, my fingers gripping him tightly by the root, before I engulfed him. My mouth working him hard and relentlessly as I fondled his balls. When I felt them begin to tighten, I pressed a fingertip against his opening, inserting just the tip as I deep-throated him and swallowed around him, over and over again. He almost convulsed as he came with a hoarse cry and I eagerly took all he unloaded. I tightened my hand on my cock, knowing I wouldn’t come again and wanting… needing to come inside him.

I reluctantly released his spent cock with a slurp, grinning as I took in his debauched appearance, the way his chest was rising and falling as he gasped for air. He looked so fucking lovely, all laid out ready for me and I couldn’t resist. I dropped my head back between his legs, swiping at his oversensitive cock before nuzzling at his balls again, drawing another moan from his lips. I rubbed a fingertip over his perineum and smiled as Lester lifted his hips in encouragement, not that I needed any.

“Do hurry up, there’s a good chap,” Lester drawled, sounding remarkably calm for a man just begging to be fucked.

I paused in my ball-nuzzling, needing to know Lester really wanted this, wanted me. I met his amused gaze, his mouth quirked in a half-smile. “Lester?”

“I do believe, if we’re going to do this, that we should be James and Stephen,” Lester said thoughtfully before adding, “And I also believe you remember where the supplies are...”

I nodded, almost lunging for the drawer in my haste and hearing Lester’s chuckle at my eagerness. I yanked it open, nearly spilling the contents onto the floor before remembering Lester probably wouldn’t appreciate the mess. I grabbed the lube and snagged a condom from the box before I paused when I noticed the notebook which had started all of this.

“Stephen!” Lester growled out, proving he was less in control than he appeared and that thought had my cock throbbing in need.

I squeezed a healthy dollop of lube onto my fingers, careful not to spill any on to the sheets, and pressed a finger into my new lover’s relaxed body. Lester opened easily to my touch and I smiled at the needy moan which fell from his lips as I worked my finger deeper. I took my time, enjoying watching this normally detached and controlled man turn into a needy, moaning and begging mess at my ministrations. I grinned when he pressed back, impaling himself even further on my fingers, twisting as he sought to control where I touched him so intimately. I would never had taken Lester for a bottom and had to ask, “Are you always this pushy as a bottom?” I was somewhat surprised at how calm I sounded when I had three fingers buried deep inside my boss’ arse.

I didn’t wait for his reply, not that I thought even Lester was capable of making a coherent comment at that moment, and I pulled my fingers free. I smiled at the disappointed sound Lester made, quickly rolled a condom on and slicking myself before I put us both out of our misery as I sheathed myself balls-deep inside him.

It took all my self-control to allow Lester time to adjust to my intrusion. It was a relief when he squeezed around me, for my control had been hanging by a thread as I lay there, buried in his sweet, tight heat. Still, I held on to that sliver of control and began to move, slowly pulling almost out of Lester before sliding slowly back in, over and over again. Lester arched into me, his hands fisting the sheets as his body begged for more. I was going to take my time, planning on slowly driving him out of his mind until he begged me for more, but he suddenly wrapped his legs around me, dragging me deeper inside him. I knew I was at the correct angle to hit his prostate when he cried out and lifted his hips for more with every thrust. The sight of Lester lying under me, his head thrown back and eyes clenched tightly shut, of him panting for more as he twisted his hips, shattered my tattered control and I was more than happy to give him what he wanted. My pace and the force of my thrusts increased until I was pounding into his willing body. The air was soon full of our moans and cries, of the sound of skin slapping against skin and the combined scent of our sweat and arousal.

Even though I was nearing completion and knew Lester must be from the way he was squeezing around me and writhing on the bed, it still surprised me when he orgasmed. The feel of his tight, hot arse clenching around me had me coming so hard I greyed out for a moment. Not that the bastard had any mercy, not with the way he had a vice-like grip on me, seemingly determined to milk every drop of come from me.

I collapsed against his chest, gasping for breath, and I felt his hand trail over my back until he squeezed my arse. I managed to gather enough brain cells to turn my head and smiled at him. Lester looked just as sated as I felt and I could barely coordinate my limbs enough to kiss him.

I swallowed as the image of Lester lying torn and bloodied rose once more in my mind and I shook my head to scatter that thought. To think I had almost lost Lester before I realised what I could, what I hoped I had with the man.

“Stephen?” Lester asked, concern clear in his voice and I knew he’d realised at least some of what bothered me, damn perceptive, gorgeous man that he was.

“It’s nothing,” I assured him, knowing he didn’t believe me when he snorted. I had no wish to dwell on darker thoughts, not post-coital, and kissed him, hoping he wasn’t going to kick me out of his bed now we’d shagged.

“I’m here, Stephen,” Lester informed me, caressing my face and drawing me into a tender kiss. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good to know my shagging passes muster.”

Lester laughed as I had hoped, although I have to admit I hadn’t thought it through, as the sensation went straight to my still buried cock and had it twitching vainly. I knew I’d be lucky to get it up again due to stress and tiredness, but in the morning… hmm.

“Stay?” Lester asked quietly.

It was the most unsure I had ever heard him and I smiled at him. “If you make me a fry-up in the morning.”

“I believe I could provide that.”

“Good.” I kissed him once more before my gaze fell on to his dressing. “After I’ve ridden you.”

Lester scowled. “I’m not a bloody invalid.”

“No, you’re not,” I agreed, realising Lester hated to be thought of as weak in any way. “Please, James, please let me take care of you.”

“I believe you just have,” Lester purred. “And quite adequately at that.”

I grinned at both his attempt to distract me and at his faint praise. I supposed it was too ingrained in Lester for him to cast it off easily. Not that I was that easily distracted and I leaned in for another kiss, nipping at his earlobe and feeling him buck up against me. I added earlobes to my mental list of his sensitive places and pressed him, “So, can I ride you in the morning?”

Lester opened his mouth, I’m sure to argue, but he must have seen something in my eyes because his gaze softened. He reached up to caress my face. “If it is that important to you.” I ducked my head, remembering how my world had almost shattered when I had heard about Lester’s encounter with a bloody future predator in the ARC. I felt Lester grasp my chin and gently nudge it upwards until I met his gaze. I noticed his wry smile before he said, “Just this once, I’ll allow you to do all the work.”

“Thank you.”

“Good,” Lester drawled. “Now, before you get even more soppy and as much as I love you exactly where you are, you’re heavy.”

I stole another kiss before I slipped from Lester, moaning at the loss of his clinging channel and I heard Lester’s answering moan at our separation. I curled against his warmth, content to fall asleep in his arms, knowing they would keep any nightmares at bay.

“Oh, and Stephen?”

“Mmm,” I half-mumbled, already partly asleep.

“When I’m ‘better’” And I could hear the speech marks. “I plan on fucking you so hard you won’t be able to walk straight.”

I opened my eyes, equally shocked and aroused to hear those words fall from his lips, and found Lester smirking at me, his eyes alight with amusement. He sobered and leaned in to kiss me before repeating, “We’re both still here, Stephen.”

I nodded, content to lie in his arms that night and every night after. “To the future?” I shifted slightly until I could feel his heartbeat against my ear and I snuggled closer.

I felt Lester’s hand caress down my back before he held me tight. “Definitely,” he agreed, pressing a kiss against my hair.

Part 1 Part 2 Epilogue

slash, james lester, secret santa, stephen hart, lester/stephen, hurt/comfort, fic

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