Drabble: North And South

Aug 05, 2018 21:35

Title: North And South
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Danny Quinn/James Lester
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: For P100 prompt 587: North And South. While wondering what to write for this, and wandering around google, I ‘discovered’ Cockney Rhyming slang and… well, it just had to be Danny. Thanks go to the wonderful fredbassett for casting her eye over it for me.
A/N2: I have two versions of this and couldn't decide which to post so... one coin toss later.

“Please, Joe.”

“Joe? I think you’re taking this mock-cockney fantasy too far.”

“And I think you want to get on your biscuits and open your north.”

“Really Quinn, I don’t… Quinn!”

“Don’t pretend you don’t want this...”

“This is neither the time nor place.”

“Then your hampton’s telling porkies.”

“Quinn… Fuck, don’t stop.”

“You like this? Well, I’d like your north on my hampton.”

“What? Ah.”

“That feels so good. Fuck! Jaaames…”

“Mmmm… Now, where were we? Oh yes, dixies around your daisies, Quinn.”


“Google is very informative. Now, bend over, I believe I want to billy your khyber.”

Cockney glossary (according to the information I googled):
Joe - Joe Goss - Boss
Biscuits - Biscuits and Cheese - Knees
North - North and South - Mouth
Hampton - Hampton Wick - Dick
Porkies - Pork Pies - Lies
Dixies - Dixie Deans - Jeans
Daisy - Daisy Roots - Boots
Billy - Billy Bragg - Shag
Khyber - Khyber Pass - Arse

drabble, slash, james lester, danny/lester, danny quinn

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