Primeval drabble: Most Deadly

Oct 22, 2017 15:22

Title: Most Deadly
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 546: The Anomalies. Also for the 52 Weeks of Primeval Anomalies week.

Lester had known the anomalies were a disaster waiting to happen as soon as he'd heard about them; one reason he'd ensured he would be in charge of the official response. Even after an entire career spent planning for every contingency that could be imagined, creatures plaguing the world through holes in time took time for him to get his head around.

Although they'd dealt with a veritable zoo of creatures, Lester couldn't say it was a surprise that the most deadly proved to be human, namely one Helen Cutter. Even if those bloody Future predators came a close second.

drabble, james lester, gen

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