Primeval Fic:: The Meeting

Sep 23, 2017 19:18

Title: The Meeting
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~1625.
Characters: James Lester/Nick Cutter, Abby Maitland, Connor Temple.
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: Set in my Under The Moonlight Wolfverse series and for my Primeval Bingo Card (round 9) prompt: Secrets and Lies. Thanks go to Fred for the beta *hugs*.

I couldn't settle. The paperwork I had brought home to keep myself occupied lay untouched in my briefcase. Instead, I found myself pacing the bedroom floor as I waited for 'The Meeting' to occur. Fuck! Why had I ever agreed to it? I could imagine so many ways it could go wrong but I could see no other way forward. I shook my head, took a deep breath, and forced myself to stop wearing a rut in the carpet.

At least Nick and Connor already knew the truth... Oh fuck! Connor would be here, he would see me acting like a bloody dog, like an animal. I felt panic rise in my chest, maybe I should take Nick up on his offer and cancel the whole bloody shambles before it blew up in my face. None of this would have happened if that story hadn't appeared in that bloody rag... except I knew it would have. It would only have been a matter of time before my team had found out about Shadow and wanted to meet him.

“Do you want me to call this off?” Nick's voice startled me and I knew he'd noticed when he squeezed my shoulder. “James?”

I almost leapt at his offer before shaking my head. “No.” I turned and smiled at him. Or tried to. From the look on Nick's face I knew I hadn't succeeded. “I don't want to do this, Nick, but putting it off won't make it any better. You know as well as I do, Abby won't let this rest.”

“She'll start wondering why we won't let her see Shadow,” Nick added.

“Precisely,” I agreed. “The last thing we need is for someone like the RSPCA to get involved.” I shuddered at that thought, feeling Nick's hand on my shoulder tighten before he wrapped me in a hug.

“Come on, James.” Nick tugged me towards the bed. “We've time for me to give you a massage before Abby and Connor arrive.”

I felt all the good Nick's massage had done fade when my muscles tensed as the the meeting time drew closer and closer. I Shifted and almost crept into the study, my tail between my legs as I waited for my own personal hell to begin. A whine built in my throat before I cut it off. I had no wish to worry Nick and I knew I had to do this. I could just imagine what Abby would do if I didn't go through with this... this disaster waiting to happen.

The doorbell cut through my thoughts and I was out of time. I could hear Nick talking to Abby and Connor, inviting them in but cautioning them to be quiet. He took them into the lounge and I rolled my eyes when I heard the squeak of a toy - Connor... ah. I supposed it could have been Abby who had brought it with her, after all, as far as she knew, she was meeting a dog.

At least Nick was following the script we had worked out for my absence from 'The Meeting'; after all, I could hardly be there as both Lester and Shadow. I waited impatiently for my cue, wanting this over and done with. Truth be told, I almost wished I was suffering from a migraine, even that blinding pain would be better than this...

I almost missed my cue and stood up, a paw half raised as I considered making a strategic withdrawal. I shook myself and told myself to stop being a coward. I walked on stiff legs towards the lounge door, took a deep breath, forced myself to relax, and pawed the door open. Not even the thought of pretending to be an animal could stop me wagging my tail when I saw Nick and I headed straight for him. I needed his support to get me through this debacle and I pushed my head into his hand for attention, sighing softly as his fingers rubbed my ruff and he murmured reassurances to me.

“He's a handsome chap,” Abby said as she cautiously approached me, a hand out for me to sniff, obviously not wanting to spook what she considered to be a mere animal. That thought almost had me curling my lip in a snarl, although I forced it to remain lowered, I had no wish to appear as ill-mannered as those bloody Labradors. Instead I used my acting skills to the fullest, wagging my tail as I tilted my head to encourage her attention and lifted a paw for her to shake. “He's so well mannered, Nick. You and Lester have done a great job training him.”

“It must be Lester's influence,” Connor suggested with a grin. “I bet Nick would let Shadow get away with anything.”

“Aye, maybe,” Nick agreed as he scratched my ear. “Just don't tell James I spoil Shadow.”

“We won't,” Abby promised Nick before turning towards Connor. “Will we, Con?”

“What?” Connor spluttered before meeting my eyes and gathering what wits he had. “Um... of course not,” he almost stuttered.

Abby looked thoughtful for a moment before she asked, “Should we say hello to Lester?”

I smelt the worry from my lover and watched as he just stared at Abby until I head-butted him with a whine. “What? Um... No. I mean, I hope he's asleep and we wouldn't want to wake him.”

I rolled me eyes at him, dear Gods, it was just as well Nick wasn't in the spy business, he'd be terrible at lying and keeping secrets from the enemy, I just had to hope we were better at keeping them from people like Christine Johnson.

“No!” Connor said with a mock shudder, breaking Abby's attention as she frowned at Nick. “You know what he's like when he's in pain.” Although I realised I had hoped for too much when he added, “You know, let sleeping dogs lie.”

I could feel Nick's intent gaze as he watched me strip and get ready for bed. I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled as I met his gaze, licking my lips as I took my fill of my lover's naked body.

“Well, I think that went rather well.”

I just looked at Nick in disbelief, all passion crushed with those words, and cried out, “Abby thinks Shadow is cute!”

Nick winced before I watched in confusion when he rose from our bed and bent down to pick something up from the floor. It was only when he shook it out that I realised I had balled up my shirt and thrown it to the floor during my outburst. He folded and dropped the shirt into the laundry bin before turning back to me and I allowed him to tug me in for a kiss. I arched into the hand that caressed my arse in a most distracting manner. “James,” Nick's voice was soft, almost coaxing. “You were only acting.”

I pulled free of his arms, the cold expression on my face freezing Nick in place with a hand reaching out for me. “They think your dog is cute.” I ground out each word, the word 'dog' sounding as if it was the worst insult anyone could utter. I knew I was overreacting to what had happened but that didn't stop me. One of my own had seen me as nothing more than an animal and all my fears at my secret coming out rose and threatened to drown me.

“Oh, James.” Nick's look almost undid me. “You know I don't think you're mine.” He paused, a frown on his face before he continued, “Well, you are mine, just like I'm yours... er, I mean.”

I cut his ramblings off with a kiss. “Please do shut up, Nick,” I muttered before I ran a hand through my hair. “I know you don't, but...”

“But you wonder if the team would, if they ever found out?” Nick was being rather astute for once, either that or he knew my fears. Mmm, considering it was Nick, I supposed the latter option was more likely. “James?”

“I don't know,” I admitted, my voice sounding thin to my own ears.

“Do you really distrust them that much?” Nick asked, clearly wondering if I would trust anyone except him and, unfortunately and reluctantly, Connor with my secret.

“No!” I cried out, I trusted them with my life... but this? I shook my head before I sat down hard on the bed, my head in my hands. I had lived with the secret for so many years, hiding a key part of myself from everyone, lying about how I had completed my missions, lying to everyone (apart from Nick) I had ever loved. The thought of opening up and admitting the truth filled me with fear, not so much for myself but for my children. “I don't know. I just don't know.” I heard my voice crack alarmingly and I felt the bed dip as Nick gathered me in his arms. I felt him caress and kiss me, but I just buried my head against him. Shuddering as my mind conjured images of what I feared would happened to those I loved if certain people ever discovered my secret.

“Shh, love,” Nick murmured as he rocked me and I could smell his worry. “Whatever you decide, James, whatever and whenever. I'll always be at your side.”

I smiled against his skin as I pressed even closer to him, my own lips kissing and nipping. Not that I was interested in sex right now, while OK, I was, but at the moment I needed to know Nick loved me for myself, even if I could turn into a large wolf.

werewolf, lester/nick, wolfverse series, connor temple, gen, bingo fic, fic, james lester, nick cutter, hurt/comfort, abby maitland

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