Primeval drabble: Adequate

Mar 19, 2017 13:55

Title: Adequate
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Claudia Brown, James Lester
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 515: Caught on Camera. Also for the 52 weeks of Primeval of Episode 1.5. Thanks go to Fred for casting her eye over it for me.

Claudia knew Lester would be in a snarky mood after she'd hung-up on him, but he'd be in an even worst one if he found this out from anyone else. “Sir James?”

“Yes, Ms Brown?”

Definitely not happy. “I'm afraid the Pteranodon was caught on camera and posted on the internet before we became aware of it.”

“Deal with it.”

“I have, Sir James. I've had Connor post additional photographs from the CMU's project on how Pteranodon's might have flown.”

“Adequate,” Lester mused. “I suppose a grant could be made available for the project.”

“I'm sure it would be welcome.”

drabble, james lester, claudia brown, gen

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