Primeval fic: A Learning Experience

May 07, 2016 22:54

Title: A Learning Experience
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 480
Characters: Matt Anderson, Hilary Becker
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For my Primeval Bingo Card (Round 8) prompt: Sex Work / Hooker AU (10/25). This idea demanded to be written.. hopefully it works OK and I blame Matt ;)

Matt couldn't help wonder if this was such a good idea. His father had always claimed it was a waste of time, a distraction from his mission... But, now he had stopped the world ending, didn't he deserve a normal life? With relationships and, yes... with sex.

The trouble was, Matt just didn't know how to be in a relationship and locker room gossip had made it worse. He'd joined in with the banter to fit in and now everyone thought he was experienced, that he knew what he was doing. How could he now admit to the one he wanted that he didn't know anything, that he was still a virgin? Which was why he'd made this appointment, the same appointment he was now reconsidering. He still had time, maybe he should cancel it? He was reaching for his phone when the doorbell rang.

Oh fuck!

And that was so much not the word to use in his current situation. The doorbell rang again and Matt sighed, obviously ignoring his door wasn't going to work. He walked as if a man to the gallows towards it, wondering what he'd say when he opened it. His words died unspoken as he started at Becker, standing there with a hand raised to ring once more.

“Have we got a shout?” Matt asked, half-turning to check his phone before Becker's clothing registered. Oh. He turned and looked Becker up and down, bloody hell, the soldier looked bloody gorgeous. “Er... Satyr's Escorts?”

Becker, half-way through stammering an explanation, frowned before asking, incredulity clear in his voice. “You? You're 'Mr Inexperienced'?”

Matt wished an anomaly would open then, even New Dawn would be better than this. Bloody hell, not only outed but to Becker of all people. He shuffled his feet before managing, “Father never thought it was important...”

“And now?” Becker asked, only curiosity in his voice.

Matt took a deep breath. “I wanted to be with someone but.. I couldn't admit that I lied about being experienced. Gossip has it that you.. er.. they like men who know what they're doing.”

“Oh,” Becker gasped, he paused before raising a hand to Matt's face. “Gossip doesn't mean a thing, Matt.”

Becker couldn't mean what Matt thought he meant? Could he? Matt risked looking up at Becker's face, expecting to see amusement but instead he only saw concern and need. He held his breath when Becker moved closer, leaning closer and closer, his gaze fixed on Becker's lips. He almost forgot how to breath as he felt those lips on his own, as Becker's tongue asked for entry and then he was lost in the sensations Becker evoked within him.


A wide grin slid across Becker's face. “It'll be my pleasure to show you, Matt.” He leaned in for another kiss. “If you'll let me?”

All Matt could managed was one word: “Please.”

becker/matt, hilary becker, pre-slash, angst, matt anderson, bingo fic, fic

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