Primeval drabble: Dirty Little Secret

Oct 15, 2015 22:57

Title: Dirty Little Secret
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Christine Johnson, Captain Ross
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 441: Dirty Little Secret. Part of my Under The Moonlight Wolfverse series.

“At once, ma'am.”

Christine frowned when Captain Ross didn't immediately leave to implement her orders. “Was there something else, captain?”

Ross nodded. “What are your instructions about Lester, ma'am?”

“Oh, I think I'll leave him where he is. For now.” Christine nodded to herself. “Yes, seeing how he reacts to events 'in the wild' will be very informative. As will his lover's reactions.” She shuddered slightly, how could anyone knowingly have sex with an animal?

“And then?”

“When it is time, James Lester will do exactly what I say.” Christine smiled coldly. “Unless he wants his dirty little secret exposed.”

werewolf, wolfverse series, drabble, christine johnson, au, captain ross

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