Primeval drabble: I'm Late

Jun 19, 2015 21:08

Title: I'm Late
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Jon Lyle (OC), OC
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 424: Running Late. My muse demanded this be written... set in my Strange Bedfellows drabble series 'verse and definitely crack. Thanks go to Fred for looking it over for me.

Lyle blinked. “James?”

“Yes, possum?”

“Can you come here?”

“What's wrong?” Lester stepped into their garden. “Ah.”

“Do you see him?”

“If by him, you mean a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and holding a watch in his paw, then yes, I see him.” Lester turned towards the rabbit. “Hello.”

“Hello,” the rabbit replied. “Do you have the correct time?”

Lester glanced at his watch. “It is a quarter to two.”

“Oh my!” The rabbit exclaimed. “I'm late.” He dashed off. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome,” Lester called back.

Lyle rubbed a hand over his face. “When did this become our lives?”

strange bedfellows drabble series, crack!fic, oc, james lester, lester/lyle, jon lyle (oc)

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